I am very confused

2 years, 9 months ago by [email protected] in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Maharaja!

This is Nandalal Das. I was going through "Tava Pache Pache."


Can the senses enjoy without the mind? If they can't, isn't mind the actual enjoyer? If so, do the senses dictate what to enjoy or mind directs the senses to the objects that it wants to enjoy?

If the latter is the case, do senses really have any control over what they can/cannot do, independent of mind?

If they don't, then how can we make any sense to do what it should? For example, how do we make the tongue to only take prasadam or chant the names of the Lord? How can the senses that are to be used to get the mind under control, be used effectively when they are controlled by the mind?

Hare Krishna!

Nandalal Das

HpS - I think I am probably more confused than you. There were no elephants in the town where I grew up, so did not get their sagacious association, but what comes to mind is that the only thing there is, is Radha Krsna rasa lila. They are just dancing and dancing... Then to expand the joy They expand.... even into the material world... to even understanding how material nature works, what moves it etc, is not a slight task.

We like our mind. It dresses up like a polar bear in a candy store and attracts it.

Then it gives "freedom" to the senses to do what they want.

We pretend our dolly, the mind is alive, and the dolly, the mind, pretends that the senses are alive. So, the senses and mind mutually influence each other.

In other Yogas you have to renounce the sense object, then the senses, then the mind, then the intelligence and then you come to the supersoul, and if you slip on any step you have to start all over,

but in Bhakti yoga, because we more or less pray to Krsna, the SUPER SOUL from the very beginning, then He arranges sensuous activities that touch our heart.

So the acts of using our mind to try to control our senses heart touching.

I paint the Rathayatra cart and freak out when I make a mistake!

Does this give some perspective??