[Gauranga is coming] - Please, your advice

2 years, 9 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva 🙏🏻

Please, accept my humble obeisances! AgtSP!!

Divya Drsti DD asked me to send you this letter:

Hare Krishna Guru majaraja

Please Receive my Humble Obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Gurudeva, thank you very much for all your mercy, because of my health problems I could not comunicate enought 🙏🙏.

Please, I Just wanted to ask your guidance, now I;m still with psycosis, panic and fear, when I chant 32 rounds and read the Srimad Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita I get calm, as Well when I go to the sea, when I wake up is so dificult for me I feel all, I think its a mixing of karma, with bhutas and trauma and fear, I'm suffering too much.

My questions are :

1_Do you think if I come back to Cusco and rent a room to live and go to the temple everyday for Govinda and then chant 32 rounds and read will be enought?

HpS - I do not know. I do not know the details of our situation and by telephone or telegraph cannot really give you detailed information. Krsna is in your heart. He can give you detailed information. People who see you daily can help. That is our distant information.

What nice association we have been able to get with you tells me you are a very nice person, so Krsna is taking personal concern with your Karma and progress.

Because I have the doubt where to stay. Now I'm in the temple of San Borja in Lima but I think I can not stay there so long maybe maximun 2 months more and then I have to decide where to stay because Im having body siknesses also and I can not do much service. My family live in Cusco, they can help me.

HpS - That sounds nice. The Sadhana you describe above sounds sufficient if you add your own daily stuff to it. Maybe Krsna is PUSHING you to go back to Kusco.

2_ Other option is to go to the asram of Chosica but the temple is open only on Sundays, because my problem I need to go to temple every day.

Become a Pujari and go every day? Associate with ladies in the Ashrama?

3._please Gurudeva what else could you recommend to me to do to solve my problem? 🙏🙏

What you describe sounds perfect, but again you have to look for local help that Krsna is sending. Maybe it is time for you to die. Let the raging river tear lose the roots of our snake infested body and go back to your real Friend.

Please I beg your mercy, please pray for me for my salvation, Im doing my best. Im already with psicological and psiquiátric treatment.

Thank you very much Gurudeva.

Your servant.

Divya Dristi DD.

HpS - We must all become Goswamis and then pure devotees. Hare Krsna!!