Gouranga is coming- Peru to Argentina

2 years, 10 months ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev

Pamho AgtSP

We arrives in Argentina after 24 hours of traveling.

  1. Punta Negra to Callao
  2. Callao to lima airport to Santiago

Eleven hours waiting at the Airport and arrived in Buenos Aires at the Airport 10pm..

ASA - The night is young!

I'm very grateful within Gurudev (HPS) for all your mercy, patience, tolerance, asosiation,etc......and too all the devoties of Peru(catur and family, Artd and family, Jambavan,etc...

We didnt meet nobody in this 24hs trip but it was very long, smooth and a lot of Japa...

ASA - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. We met one boy next to us on Lima, Houston. We had very nice relationship. Well paced and he took a NOI with much enthusiasm.

Your servant Ptd.