Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!
Trnad api sunicena
Taror iva sahisnuna
Amanina manadena
Kirtaniya sada hari
"Uno debe cantar el santo nombre del Señor en un estado mental humilde, considerándose más bajo que la hojarasca de la calle. Uno debe ser más tolerante que un árbol, estar desprovisto de todo sentimiento de vanidad y estar dispuesto a ofrecer pleno respeto a los demás. En tal estado mental uno puede cantar el santo nombre del Señor constantemente".
Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, reciba mis respetuosas reverencias, espero que su viaje haya sido sin inconvenientes.
Yo aquí sigo en Huancayo en Sankirtan por lo pronto. Estuve saliendo a Sankirtan todo éste tiempo, pero voy a reducir mi servicio de Sankirtan "distribución de libros por unos meses" quiero mejorar mi salud.
Voy a trabajar con un devoto por un tiempo. Hare Sankirtan unas 2 veces por semana.
Muy dificil entender que ciertas cosas que pasan estan vinculadas de manera Karmatica y que de cierta manera el Sevicio devocional ayuda a minimizarlo. Ahora tengo una vida solitaria con asociación de los devotos de aquí Huancayo "Prabhu Jivesvara, Prabhu Ranchor, Prabhu Ram Bhagavad, Prabhu Devarsi Narada". Apoyando los programas de ISKCON-HUANCAYO.
Sigo estudiando Jyotish, palmistry y arte (dibujo y pintura).
La relación de Guru-discipulo a traves del servicio en Vani Seva ó Vapuh Seva a pesar de las fuertes pruebas siempre será un lazo que jamas se romperá?
Me despido Guru Maharaja, que Nrsimha lo proteja siempre. Hare Krsna.🙏
Gadai Gauranga Dasa
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!
Trnad api sunicena
Taror iva sahisnuna
Amanina manadena
Kirtaniya sada hari
"One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, considering oneself lower than the litter on the street. One should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all feelings of vanity, and ready to offer full respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly."
Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja, please accept my respectful obeisances, I hope your journey has been smooth.
HpS - We heard that Sri Srila Parama-guru, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta-sarasvati Thakura said that you will know you are on the spiritual path if you path is filled with purifiying and productive challenges.
I'm still here in Huancayo in Sankirtan for now. I have been going out for Sankirtan all this time, but I am going to reduce my Sankirtan service "book distribution" for a few months. I want to improve my health.
I am going to work with a devotee for a while. I will do Sankirtan about 2 times a week.
Very difficult to understand that certain things that happen are linked in a Karmatic way and that in a certain way the devotional service helps to minimize it.
HpS - For an initiated devotee it is "Krsna Karma". Krsna has taken charge of our Karma and will use it to teach us and purify us, and to accomplish His goals. He engaged Arjuna in the same work, Karma, but now with a different perspective, no?
Now I have a solitary life with the association of devotees from here Huancayo "Prabhu Jivesvara, Prabhu Ranchor, Prabhu Ram Bhagavad, Prabhu Devarsi Narada". Supporting ISKCON-HUANCAYO programs.
I continue to study Jyotish, palmistry and art (drawing and painting).
The Guru-disciple relationship through service in Vani Seva or Vapuh Seva in spite of strong tests will always be a bond that will never be broken?
HpS -
I say goodbye Guru Maharaja, may Nrsimha protect him always. Hare Krsna.🙏
Gadai Gauranga Dasa
HpS - We NEED His protection!! We hope He guides you properly in your efforts, responsibilities.
Our respects to everyone. We hope your Yatra flourishes and becomes prominent source of guidance for all the innocent souls there!