Gauranga is Coming

2 years, 12 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Other

All Glories To Sri Sri Gour Nitay!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to You!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances, I am Danistha devi dasi from Santiago, Chile. Yesterday I read again this paragraph

(...) Los planes son grandes enemigos del Maha-mantra. Planea cantar Hare-Krishna. De otra forma solo rechaza cualquier plan. El Maha-mantra hará los planes que esto necesite. Hay un futuro? Hay un pasado? Son reconocidos como pensamientos. Dejen que el Maha-mantra los reúna como a Él le gusta...encuentra a Srimati Radharani. Ella quiere danzar con Sus Amigas para Krsna y Sus Amigos, pero no lo puede hacer porque a sido raptada por ese bribón de Ravana...

Lee el libro de Krsna 1008 veces...(...)

Del libro "Desde Rusia con amor" de Hanumatpresaka Swami.

and I have a cuestion, why You wrote that Ravana kidnaped Radharani, if Radharani is in Krishna lila, and Ravana in Ramayana?, Sita is Laksmi Devi right?, but also in some way Radharani, right?, Ravana is the same personality that Someone in Krishna Lila?

Thank You so much Guru Maharaja, I hope You are Well,

Your servant,

Danistha devi dasi.

HpS - I don't know what I wrote so long ago!! Yet, as you say Sita is an expansion of Radha. In Vrndavana there is a place, Kamya van, and there Radha and Krsna and all Their friends play Rama lila, forever! Maybe Sridama, Her brother, becomes Ravana and kidnaps Her.