Nityananda is coming- Schedule of presenter

Hare Krsna Maharaja and ASA team

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !

All glories to your mission of sankirtana!

I hope that both you and ashrama devotees of NewAshoka Van are well.

Here present schedule of presenter of Srimad Bhagavatam class (Monday).

Rol de expositoras Srimad Bhagavatam –ASA

Tema: Canto 3 Cap 22:  El Matrimonio de kardama Muni y Devahuti

Hora: 7.30 am (Perú), 8.30 am (Chile), 9.30am Argentina


Lunes 1: Tx 1-2 Yugala Kishora dd

Lunes 15: tx 3-4 Rohini dd

Lunes 29: tx 5 Mahavidya dd


Lunes 13 tx 6-7 Rohini dd

Lunes 27 tx 8-9 Radhika dd

ENERO 2022

Lunes 24 tx 10-11 Isvari dd


Lunes 7 tx 12-13 Guru Govinda

Lunes 21 tx 14-15 Priya sakhi dd

MARZO 2022

Lunes 7 tx 16-17 Campakalata dd

Lunes 21 tx 18-19 Vrsabhanu N dd

ABRIL 2022

Lunes 4 tx 20-21 Rohini dd

Lunes 18 tx 22-23 GuruGovinda dd

MAYO 2022

Lunes 9 tx 24-25 Priya Sakhi dd

Lunes 23 tx 26-28 Campakalata dd

JUNIO 2022

Lunes 6 tx 29-31 Vrsabhanu dd

Lunes 20 tx 32-33 Radhika dd

JULIO 2022

Lunes 4  tx 34-35 

Lunes 18 tx 36-37 Rohini dd


Lunes 1 T x 38-39 Isvari R dd

If you want to make changes please let me know it.

HpS ASA - Thank you! Was very nice to see you and Abhinandana Das!

We will have to review the schedule in more detail but now it seems very nice.

See you tomorrow.

Thank so much for your mercy

All glories to Srimad Bhagavatam

whit affection and gratitude

ys Isvari R dd