Nityananda esta viniendo-reporte de sadhana

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Todas las glorias sri guru y gouranga.

Hare krishna gurudev este es mi reporte mensual he estado cantando mis 4 rondas diarias ya que los estudios me quitan la gran mayoria de mi tiempo pero las 4 que canto las canto lo mas sinceramente posible.

Tambien queria preguntarle si usted cree que me alcance el tiempo para iniciarme.

Estoy haciendo servicio en el templo junto a mi mama y deseo pedirle sus bendiciones para continuar teniendo el deseo de realizar servicio devocional.

Su sirviente jaganitho.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

Hare krishna, gurudev this is my monthly report. i have been chanting my 4 daily rounds as studies take up most of my time but the 4 that i sing, i sing as sincerely as possible.

I also wanted to ask you if you think I have enough time to get initiated.

HpS - It is not a matter of time. As soon as you are following the process for one year and have authorization from the ISKCON authorities you can be initiated! Jaya.

I am doing temple service together with my mom and I want to ask for her blessings to continue having the desire to perform devotional service.

His servant jaganitho.

HpS - Thank you . In our old age and inherent stupidity we cannot remember your form, character or pastimes.

Please enlighten us!