PCM! Gauranga is coming !! Ratha Yatra!! and Report Resumen Months Keshava And Narayana

2 years, 12 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Remembered Gurudev Please accept my respectful obeisances at Your precious lotus feet.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

In the month of keshava I did my katyayani vrata worship. Very simple: incense, aromatic leaves and flowers. It was exciting.

I missed my adoration for two days 😐 ..we went to the house of the devotee who has the deities so that he will lend them to us for the ratha yatra. we rest there. It was a long trip.

Last year I disarmed the goddess 😕 but this year gopal said he will leave her like this. So I didn't disarm her, I just said goodbye to her 😃

I danced three dances at an event invited by adi Sakhi Devi dasi. Books and prasadam were distributed. In two weeks we will dance there again.

In this event the culture of several countries was shown.

The boys and girls were very excited! And they sat very attentive to the dance... the girls imitated the steps... which melted my heart😂

Something happened that left me stunned...and very sad but I already recovered: The devotee who was going to lend us the deities agreed to lend them to us but now he changed his mind and said that he will not lend them because they are his children..

I thought I know we are not qualified and that is why Sri Jagannatha does not want to come 😩..

Franco was very hurt... he didn't sleep all night after the news. . I got up to mangalartik and he was still awake... but that same day of the news I began to hear some hammers with axes. . It was Franco starting to carve Jagannatha in a thick piece that he had reserved a long time ago... and he told me: the ratha yatra is not going to stop!! I'm going to carve them again!!!!😀😁😁😂😂

My student Laura had very happily agreed to transport the deities from the devotee's house to our home... I talked to several devotees, none of them even answered if they could transport the Lord or not... only one very enthusiastic devotee who supported singing at the last festival wanted to do the service but his car broke down.

My obeisances to all Vaisnavas. They are all arrangements of Lord Jagannatha! It was because they did not want to come . Franco had to re-carve them and we have to go further to receive the mercy of the Lord and His devotees.

To finish this letter, I transcribe Franco's words to you!:

My obeisances to Your Gurudev lotus feet.

I am carving new deities. Unbelievably I did one a day.

They need to be retouched. I have a lot of pain in my arms but I'm happy.

I am taking inspiration from Manipur deities to carve..

Will it be impossible for you to come to rathayatra next year? This would inspire me to do more than one ratha yatra per year.

If you come, he built a place for you, so you can stay.

The devotee was going to lend us the deities that I carved and gave them to him, now he does not want to lend them to us because he is angry with the devotees. Strong things happened to him.

This is some news from me and franco. Thank you for reading these lines Gurudev.

Please give us your wonderful blessings to move forward, despite the obstacles, May each obstacle become a source of enthusiasm for our service.

Please forgive any offense committed inadvertently in this letter.

Aspiring to serve you with all our hearts:

Franco Bonė and Radha Japa Prati Jalpa Devi Dasi.

Please accept obeisances from our beloved son Krsnaram Gopal who is very excited watching the carving of the deities.

P.D. : I always wanted to have a diary of yours Gurudev, but I never dared to ask you... now that you mention it. I am "screeching" for a diary of yours written by a wonderful and kind lotus hand please I want one!!!Jaya Gurudev!!

HpS - Jaya. Very exciting letter! Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. All the bad things will become clear why they are happening, and then we can see that this is very good!!!