[Nityananda is coming]. Feb Check In

3 years, 1 month ago by bhaktabigfoot in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

ASA/UG - AGTSP!!! Paoho. There should be a comma after "Hare Krsna".

Please accept my humble obesiances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Guru Maharaja I am very happy that you will be in Houston next month. I can't wait to see you.

ASA - That's what the ...... wolf told Little Red Riding Hood.

I will be there as much as possible. I am also happy to hear that although you had Covid you didn't have any symptoms. I am going to have to take credit for this as I pray to Lord Radha-Kalachandaji to protect you.

I am just playing of course, you are very dear Lord Krsna and Srila Prabhupada and they always take care of Their unalloyed devotee.

HpS - Him whom the Lord favors looses all his clothes!

Kalachandaji is very strong, his shoulders are very broad , he would be the best of football players and the star of the Dallas Cowboys and the whole league. Jerry Jones, the owner of the Cowboys, would be wise to pray to Krsna that he descend to earth and play football for them and they would win every Super Bowl for as long as He wanted. I wonder what kind of austerities he would need to preform.

ASA - Football in our favorite sport. Stop to think. Plan.

I appreciate your response to my last letter, the yearly report. I have been doing Brahma muhurta alone, I get up about an hour before it starts. Wash up, do Gurvastakam, Kirtan and chant my 16 rounds. Takes about 2.5hrs. Sunrise right now in Dallas is 7:21am. I did go 3 days without going at one point. I really felt my enthusiasm decrease, my heart wasn't softening, I didn't like that. It felt bad.

I am really going to work on if I miss a day that at least I get up the next day for sure.

No more multi days off. Of course the goal is not to miss any days. As for reading Krsna book, I have been listening to the dramatic narration audio book by Amala Bhakta Swami. Is that ok?

HpS - Sure! He is the BIGGEST CLOWN in Iskcon. All we smaller clowns dance at his feet. {Photo Attached} He is such a nice friend.

I also been keeping a Journal. Right now its mostly just what I have read and done for the day. I figure its a start and I will get better at it. I started this 13 days ago. I noticed it gives me a chance to keep some stats.

They say in baseball that stats won't win you the game but good stats sure give you a better chance to win.

I have written some stats below. I am hoping that its something you like.

HpS - Unless I write what I did in a day I always chastise my self very unfairly for being a lazy, useless, hypocrite who does nothing.

Stats for Jan.

Brahma muhurta - 15/23 = .653

I started keeping track of this after you instructed it. I will work to improve it this month.

31 books distubuted

$216 donated to Radha-Kalachandaji ($108 each ekadashi)

These are from the last 12 days of Jan when I started the journal

Rounds per day = 313 (26.08 avg)

Noon Arati = 9/12 (.750)

Listened to

NOI 2.5 times

Krsna Book 29 chapters

Srimad Bhagavatam w/ purports 2 chapters (1.10 & 11)

Srimad Bhagavatam translation only Cantos 1&2

10 Srila Prabhupada lectures

Valmiki's Ramayana 48 chapters

ASA - Oink!!

When I work, I get to listen to audio books. I do about 8 hours or more of listening to audio books by Amala Bhakta Swami or Srila Prabhupada lectures. Then during lay overs between my routes I get to chant some extra rounds. There is sometimes when I can't focus as much as is appropriate of course but still it really has done a lot to improve my consciousness.

ASA - Whoop! Whoop!

One of my focuses lately has been "Keep your eye on the ball" I say this to my mind and it can help to re focus. The ball in KC being the Maha Mantra Hare Krishna/Hare Rama, Krsna's

Lotus Feet, Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet, Your lotus feet. Keep your eye on the prize they say. Did you know that a baseball players has about .45 seconds to decide if they are going to swing or not when a ball is pitched? To know what pitch is coming hitters read the rotation of the seams on the ball, then they can know if its a fastball or a curve ball. That's quite a bit of focus.

Guru Maharaja I was looking on your disciples list and noticed that I wasn't on it. If you think it appropriate can I please be added?

If so my bio is.

ASA - My God!!!

MY GOD!!! Of course. . . Thank you and any others for helping us with our efforts to serve Srila Prabhupada!

Nathen Ray Wanty 07/22/1979

Initiated on March 22 2020.

Guru Maharaja I am looking at going to India in Oct. to join you and the devotees there if you would approve. Would that be ok? If it is ok with you, my situation is I have limited vacation time from work and was thinking it maybe best to use it for India. I would love to go to Spain to meet you and the devotees then go to India but I don't know considering the time restriction. What do you advise Gurudeva?

HpS - https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/13113/

Now we run to the locker room to get our bath (3.35AM), put on our uniform, rush to the stadium to turn on the lights, and play the game.

We are coming from Dog and Hog Karma. Meat eaters and murders. Unless clean our bodys and minds daily for several hours we again become those things. People from 1st class countrys don't have to work so hard.

Thank you so very much!

The challenge, The victory, Guru and Krsna's Mercy!

Your servant,

Nanda-braja das