Brahmana busca floresta pacífica - Nityananda está llegando

2 years, 11 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hk pamho querido Guru Maharaja, ojalá sólo Ud. pueda contestarme las cartas, pensar en la respuesta de otra persona por más cualificada que estuviera, nunca sería lo mismo. 

En esta venida de Ud. en un momento al regreso de asokavan me sentí condenada sin derecho a defensa, puedo esperar eso de cualquiera menos de Ud. Lo voy a explicar con este ejemplo.

Mi peor experiencia en colegio, fue en uno donde las tutoras, sin preparación en docencia, generaban discordia entre alumnos y profesores. En ese entonces era muy nueva en ese servicio, escuche las recomendaciones de las tutoras, una de ella calificó de la peor forma a una estudiante, generando que yo tuviera un pre-concepto de la jovencita, después las profesoras y psicólogas explicaban que esas tutoras eran las peores de la institución, que yo debería descubrir y entablar desde cero el trato con una persona. Sin tacharla, antes de conocerla, aprendí mucho de esa experiencia. Por eso, al negarme la oportunidad de recibir sus consejos, me deprimí, decidí escribirle con detalle los sucesos, sin deseos de quedar bien con Ud. sino con el sincero deseo de aclarar la situación, decir la verdad de los hechos, sólo a Ud. Y a nadie más. ....

HpS - ASA - Edited

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sinceros, confío en eso.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kisora Dasi.


HK, pamho, dear Guru Maharaja, I hope only you can answer my letters, thinking about the response of another person, no matter how qualified, would never be the same.

In this coming of you at a time when I returned from asokavan I felt condemned without the right to defense, I can expect that from anyone but you. I will explain it with this example.

My worst experience in school was in one where the tutors, without preparation in teaching, generated discord between students and teachers. At that time I was very new to that service, I listened to the recommendations of the tutors, one of them described a student in the worst way, causing me to have a pre-concept of the young lady, later the teachers and psychologists explained that those tutors they were the worst in the institution, that I would have to discover and establish a relationship with a person from scratch. Without crossing her out, before I met her, I learned a lot from that experience. That is why, by denying me the opportunity to receive your advice, I became depressed, I decided to write you the events in detail, without wishing to make a good impression on you, but with the sincere desire to clarify the situation, to tell the truth of the facts, only to you. And no one else.

HpS - We have read the letter to this point, but you say that you want to "to tell the truth of the facts, only to you" but as we explain in the link in the Kapi Dhvaja about Letters to/from the Editor and have so often explained her, since we ar Brahmacaris and Sannyasis in this ASA we are only allowed short term contact with cultured members of the opposite sex, such as your esteemed self, only for short times.

So, we will edit the rest of the letter since it may contain things that you do not want published


you sent such a nice letter about these topics to us through Gandharva Das.

I think the concern is that certain devotees are encouraged, allowed, to make physical visits to us here in New Ashokavan and not others.

From the very begnning this has been a challenge. It has not diminished and will be more and more intense as we move toward boarding the United Airline's flight to Houston, Texas on March 7th.

With a large smile, I assure that what ever pressure you are experiencing in your service, we are experiencing with great intensity also.

We have gone through experiences in the last few days that force us to consider thar our entire life in Krsna consciousness, persona effort to serve Srila Prabhupada has been a failure.

Enough stress for you?

(Still smiling)

It has been heavy but...

.. also very purifying, things that we can even take with us to our next life, back to our service in Goloka!

I think we have honest understanding of your good self.

We want more.

Today Karuna krsna Das was here with Mathuresa Das and of course we were talking amongst many other things about the Ashrama in Chosica and he was contrasting the service of the devotees and mentioned your service with great respect but also pointing out that you have challenges.

Some people comment that Yugala kishora Dasi is a very social communicator (smile). Your nature is to get out and visit others.


Others stay in the Ashrama and don't have chance of becoming contaminate.

Both positions have their good and bad aspects.

We have to learn how to purify our nature and connect it with Krsna.

Adjusting who is visiting, who is not visiting. Making final adjustments to the movie. Planning for Houston etc.

Keeping Full Morning and Evening Program daily is becoming great challenge.

By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Nityananda you must become a devotee on the level of Visnupriya.

Now it is 10.23PM.

Today we were up about 1AM. We chanted some strong rounds. We worked on our art techniques.


Joined and learned so much from Srinivasa Das' class.

Talked with five different devotees from Houston and got the calendar 90% undercontrol.

Met with Mathuresa Das and Karuna Krsna Das for about 2-1/2 hours to deal with all the Yatra necessities and enrich our personal frienships.

Nap...... Up and joined the program from Nashville which was heart touching. We really miss them and are all counting the days until we meet, 19th March.

Then few minutes to try to deal with this wonderful ASA Blog Sanga, then map from 11PM to 1AM and then the fun begins again.

As you suggested in our exchange with Gandhava Das, the three of us can talk. Would be very nice.

Basically everythings seems fine, normal, disease in recuperation.

Thank you for your association.

Purify your service.

Learn to use devotees as consultants with clear understanding of their particular points of view.

Thank you.

Hare Krsna!




His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kisora ​​Dasi.