Querido Maharaja. ¡Hare Krsna!
Por favor acepte mis eternas y humildes reverencias.
Ha pasado muchísimo tiempo desde la última vez que escribí en el blog. Por favor, disculpe mi ausencia.
Tengo muchas cosas que contarle, pero prefiero no abrumarlo con una carta gigante.
Escribiré las cosas que considero más importantes y luego enviaré otras cartas con otro detalles.
Tenía muchas ganas de ir a Santa Eulalia a compartir con usted y los vaisnavas. Mi intención era estar presente en su Vyasa Puja, pero por cordinaciones en el trabajo no pude realizarlo. Añoro mucho poder compartir con usted, entendiendo que cada vez queda menos para su retiro a India. Espero poder ir próximamente, de todas maneras.
Mi sadhana a flaqueado mucho. Me cuesta levantarme temprano para poder cantar mis rondas... Y a veces no he alcanzado a cumplir con mi meta diaria 😭
Me enojo conmigo misma por no cumplir con aquello con lo que me comprometí... Tratar de conectarme con Krsna mediante sus Santos Nombres. Pero voy mejorando, tratando de volver al estandar comprometido 😁
Siento la diferencia cuando no me puedo levantar temprano a cantar mis rondas (intentando cantarlas con atención), y las veces en las que las canto de forma desatenta.
Cantar con la bolsa de japa, sentir como las cuentas pasan por mis dedos, y como los Santos Nombres aparecen susurrando en mi oído, es algo que valoro mucho... Y extraño.
Actualmente, por el horario, no puedo ingresar diaramente al FMP. Extraño mucho el programa. Es un bálsamo para mi corazón. Generalmente a las 6.30am ya me estoy preparando para ir al trabajo, pero las veces que ingreso más tarde, puedo tomar más atención al programa y me conecto a escuchar con alegría y atención.
Mañana preguntaré nuevamente por el código de prioridad en el FMP. Así continuo con mi relato en otra carta (Si me lo permite 🙏
). Hay cosas que me gustaría contarle con mayor detalle.
Muchas gracias por permitirme acompañarlo, de alguna forma, en su sankirtan, y por acompañarme día a día con su inspiración.
Mis reverencias eternas, Maharaja.
Que tenga un muy buen descanso.
Se despide atentamente,
Bh. Nicole Silva.
Dear Maharaja. Hare Krsna!
Please accept my eternal and humble obeisances.
It's been a long time since I last wrote on the blog. Please excuse my absence.
I have a lot to tell you, but I prefer not to overwhelm you with a giant letter.
Tom Brown: Thank you!!! AGTSP! Yet, we want to hear your adventures with Krsna.
I will write the things that I consider most important and then I will send other letters with other details.
I really wanted to go to Santa Eulalia to share with you and the Vaishnavas. My intention was to be present at his Vyasa Puja, but due to coordination at work I could not do it. I really long to be able to share with you, understanding that there is less and less left for your retirement to India. I hope to be able to go soon, anyway.
HpS - Krsna will arrange the external meetings. Look for His indications.
My sadhana has faltered a lot. I have a hard time getting up early to be able to sing my rounds... And sometimes I haven't reached my daily goal 😭
ASA: Prabhupada said one time, keep trying ad eventually you will become perfect in this practice. Even an ape can do it.
I get angry with myself for not fulfilling what I committed to... Trying to connect with Krsna through his Holy Names. But I'm getting better, trying to get back to the compromised standard 😁
HpS - You learn the tricks of Maya and how to surpass them. Bigger challenges are coming.
I feel the difference when I can't get up early to chant my rounds (trying to chant them attentively), and the times when I chant them inattentively.
Singing with the japa bag, feeling how the beads pass through my fingers, and how the Holy Names appear whispering in my ear, is something that I value very much... And I miss.
Currently, due to the schedule, I cannot enter the FMP on a daily basis. I miss the show so much. It is a balm for my heart. Usually at 6:30 am I'm already getting ready to go to work, but the times I come in later, I can pay more attention to the program and I connect to listen with joy and attention.
HpS - Full evening program? Tell us how we can serve you better.
Tomorrow I will ask again for the priority code in the FMP. So I continue with my story in another letter (If you allow me 🙏). There are things I would like to tell you in more detail.
Thank you very much for allowing me to accompany him, in some way, in her sankirtan, and for accompanying me day by day with his inspiration.
My eternal obeisances, Maharaja.
Have a very good rest.
Kindly say goodbye,
Bh. Nicole Silva.
HpS - ASA ---- Bh. Vinode Thakur says that light work in the best rest.
Now it is 5.44PM. We had a near perfect (Brahminical) day today with ArtD, PTD, JgD, Carolina-Rasarani-Madhavi (She is standing up by herself with no help for the first time), MvDD and now everyone in the Blog etc.
We will go for the FEP.
Our health is much improved.
We have to each very simply or the pitta element gets to big and scatters all of ther body. Could destroy it!