PCM Gauranga is coming! Ofrenda Vyasa Puja 2022

2 years, 12 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Vyasa Puja Offering 2022

Namă om visnu padāya

Krsna prestaba bhutāle

Srímate Hanumat Presaka Swami

I ti Namine

Please accept my obeisances to your beautiful feets of lotus!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to Hanumat Presaka Swami !!!

Happy happy happy! Birthday Gurudev!

Your steps!!! What do we want to continue...! :

There are many types of feet moving in this world

Many run from here to there Seeking to please His desires

And from so much running and running

They get tired and confused more


There is another type of Pies... They are beautiful and wise feet They dance to the sound of the Mrdanga

To the beat of the singing of the Maha Mantra🎶

These feet know their way very well

They are always dancing

and helping To what other confused souls

They can dance too!

I was in the First Group of Feet and i was so sad

For not finding a meaning in life


I met the other Dancing Feet

of true happiness!

They told me the cause of their joy Srila Prabhupada they knew! And for serving His Divine feet they went crazy

So I stayed To savor the sweetness of His steps

Because an Acarya comes to this world from time to time

and I wanted to meet him

In His books He left His footsteps printed The reason for His Ecstatic dances

He came to give us His love

Now we can dance to His song The Maha Mantra: The Great Vibration!

The one that cleanses your heart And it makes you dance "for no reason"

I no longer separate from the dancing feet

I will be with them no matter what.

I'll carry on singing and dancing constants

To please the Best of Lovers .

Please excuse me some offens

committed unintentionally in

these paragraphs.

Trying to please her lovely heart: His foolish attempt at discipleship:

Radha Japa Prati Jalpa Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you. AgtSP... !... We just try to get 16-nice rounds done every day and then walking and dancing get their character from that!!!

May you become fixed in service to Radha Govinda!!!!

May we all become fixed, with Srila Prabhupada.

Ofrenda Vyasa Puja 2022

Namā on visnu padāya

Krsna prestaba bhutale

Srímate Hanumat Presaka Swami

Iti Namine

Todas las glories To Srila Prabhupada

All Glories To Hanumat Presaka Swami!!!

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a Sus hermosos pies de loto

Feliz Feliz Feliz! Cumpleaños Gurudev!

Sus pasos!!!

que deseamos Seguir...! :

Hay muchos tipos de Pies

Moviéndose en este mundo

Muchos corren de aquí para allá

Buscando complacer Sus deseos

Y de tanto correr y correr

Se cansan y se confunden más 


Hay otro tipo de Pies ...

Son pies hermosos y sabios

Ellos danzan con el sonido de la Mrdanga

Al compás del canto del Maha Mantra🎶

Estos pies conocen Su camino muy bien

Ellos siempre están danzando y ayudando

A que otras almas confundidas

Puedan Danzar también !

Yo me encontraba dentro del Primer Grupo de Pies 

Y estaba muy triste

Por no encontrar un sentido a la vida 


Me encontré con los otros Pies danzantes de verdadera felicidad! 

Ellos me contaron la causa de Su alegría 

¡ A Srila Prabhupada conocían! 

Y por servir a Sus Divinos pies enloquecian

Entonces me Quedé

A saborear la dulzura de Sus pasos

Porque un Acarya viene a este mundo de vez en cuando

Y lo quería conocer

En Sus libros El dejó impresos Sus pasos

La razón de Sus bailes Extáticos 

Vino a darnos Su amor

Ahora podemos bailar Su canción 

El maha mantra: La gran vibracion!

Esa que te limpia el corazón 

Y te hace danzar " sin razon"

No me separo más de los pies danzantes

Estaré con Ellos pase lo que pase

Seguiré adelante canto y baile 


Para complacer al mejor de los Amantes.

Por favor perdoneme cualquier ofensa cometida sin querer en estos párrafos.

Intentando complacer su adorable corazón:

Su tonta intento de discipula :

Radha Japa Prati Jalpa Devi Dasi