(Varaha is Coming)

3 years ago by Kamagayatri in Other

Hare Krsna dear Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Krsna and Srila Prabhupada took the greatest mercy upon us by introducing us to one of his most sincere sons.

HpS - Gopal Krsna Maharaja!!! ?? 😎

The first association we remember took place in the halls of St. Marks school (Where we attended Confirmation classes 10 years earlier) wherein you were the esteemed guest speaker for Balabhadra’s community class on Vedic history.

Our strange commentary to you while asking questions after the lecture  concerned false gurus and godless religion.

Inevitably after the encounter we were left with a feeling that we would be vastly left behind if we couldn’t attempt to follow your compassionate personhood imbibed in humble servitude and the knowledge you presented from the ancient and authorized Parampara.

It touched a depth of our soul that needed to be expertly mined and was trapped in vast amounts of past life muck.  Our Kali Yuga drop-out psych was trying to grapple with the downfall of the mother father hierarchy, i.e. the disappointment of our familial Catholic sentiment upbringing as well as a Buddhist, voidist spiritualism.

At that time our new freshman college education consisted of a sad group of intellectual philanderers barren of moralism who seemed exhausted while presenting a downtrodden humanism and an acceptance of a life that embraced dehumanism (Mark Twain...Neitzche....Orwell).

Despite the -isms people like us had prescribed to, your association helped us prescribe to a new transpersonal humanism.

You have great compassion and insight on how to help the tired souls who want to be rescued from hundreds of thousands of years of accumulated mirk.

HpS - We think we are a little tamed externally but still have Godzillas within. We think that we have some sentimental sympathy but really lack compassion in depth because we have not been really submissive within.

The hope is that we don't just get what we earn, but Krsna, Guru, are actively trying to reawaken our good qualities from real compassion.

If we get association of devotees like yourselves, Boise, yatra et al. then it is easy to take Srila Prabhupada's association.

Gurudev your writings, constant blog and twitter presence, and general accessibility through interactive and personable seminars has helped those that are still floundering in the waves of Kali quit disassociating and finally wake….up.

They can Feel a real connection to the parampara and Krsna. Of course there is always the tendency to still want to disassociate because that is Our disease.

We pray Gurudev that we can throw out this old template. There is a heartfelt new template being presented to us when we view Monkey Warrior, Kapi Dvaja, tweets, and correspondence.

We pray All of us can choose transpersonal beyond human association by joining the ASA entourage as you model how to have an attentive morning program and japa as well as dedicate our time to Srimad Bhagavatam and preaching.

Here is the requested Vyasa Puja blog address from the Boise community and beyond: https://hanumansringtosita.tumblr.com.

Thank you so much for tolerating the tech issues. We learned a lot and are very grateful to the devotees who participated.

Murari made an animated offering which is the last post on the blog. Also the whole devotee community came together in person the next day for a jubilant Vyasa Puja celebration.

Citrasaki devu dasi made a wonderful cake (picture on the blog) and everyone was very happy due to the mercy you have given to our community for so many years. 🙏

Gurudev, we asked the devotees about obligations from March to July. It seems that some devotees are traveling in middle of June and Radhika Raman is not available until middle of May. We came to the conclusion though that any time that works for you will eternally bless us. Please let my husband and the Boise devotees know how we can best assist Gurudev. We hope you will consider staying for an extended period or for as long as you feel comfortable doing so. 

Murari Prabhu has been out of service due to spraining his shoulder. We decide to visit the Oregon Coast and work remotely with places that have a kitchenette. The girls have been leading car kirtan and were happy to meet mother ocean and the sea lions.

HpS - ASA - - - Jaya!! We bought the Nashville <>Richmond (VA) ticket yesterday: 1-17 April. Only $75 on Alegiant. Nashville <> Boise Alegiant is seasonal in the summer so we will wait a little to see what is available. I think from middle May until mid-June would be a good time to look for ASA camping in New Biharavan if God and man approve?

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare // Hare Rama, Hare Rama...... !!!

One more letter?

You are all soldiers!

Mangal-ananda Das:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qzzdLGWbGg&ab_channel=yogishiva ,

2.30 - "And love exists because You are so kind"

Your servant, 

Kamagayatri devi dasi