
3 years ago by jagatbd in Special Category A

Hare krishna dear Guru Maharaja, pamho agtsp.

How are you doing so far? I could see you had a nice vyasa puja fesival sorrounded by your dear most disciples; It is good to commemorate this special day, I guess your endeavour activities to serve god worth it. I am doing ok, still living in the far south part of Mexico City were my dad was born. I just wanted to offer my respectful obeisances unto you.

Where is the little Prahlad? Is he chastised? How about the lovely Hanuman deity? I hope you are doing very well, I keep away from the temple, but I talk to some friends once in a while. All people are important for me, as devotees call people karmies, we are miscreants, so we all have an important value, we have a personal identity, whether we believe in god or not; of course when one is more conscious of valuable and spiritual things, one is above in thinking, it depends on the reasoning too.

Ok just wanted to say hi, I attach some pictures I took myself in my most inner moments by 1990-1995 when I was your only student, I miss that close approaching when I could write personal letters and have a personal training.I hope we can have another programme over.

I wish you the best, health and a long life.

your servant,

Jagat Bandhu Jagannatha Swami dasa/ Mr Jesús Rosas

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...