[Varaha is coming]Family report

Hare Krsna querido y respetado Gurumaharaja 🙏

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to SS Hanumatpresaka Swami!

Please accept our obeisances and respects, and we are really happy for your fast recovery by the mercy of Sri Nrsimha and see you again in your sankirtana.

Here at home, we past some hard days because my father in law got covid complications and now is stable but with senile dementia. Parvati is positive to covid but is ok and two days ago Caturatma started with some symthopms and yesterday his result was positive too.

My mother in law and me do not have symthopms so we can help them with the process.

On this days, I am attending FMP by ASA Carnival Facebook live, because Caturatma is attenting by Gotomeeting in quarentine. He is recovering very well and he sends a message for you:

"Maharaja, you are my family, a member of my family. Last monday I had a negative result and even though my father was positive I didn´t mind getting infected by assisting my dad because he is someone very love to me, he is my family. Maharaja, you are part of my family.... I am fine ... we are ok!

We are so grateful for your mercy and pray to Krsna always protects you and let us have your saintly asociatiation. We miss visiting you at New Asoka van - Santa Eulalia, and here there are some photos from our last visit and hoping to see you soon.

Thank you so much Gurumaharaja for be our spiritual father 🙏

we are very afortunate.

Your foolish servants,

Palika dd, Caturatma Gaura das and Parvati 🙇

HpS - ASA -- 🙂 Thank you for the Banana Cakes for Lord Nrsmhadeva, transport to the airport by you and C. Atma Das, help with transfer of money for Manipuri troupe, transport to so many preaching programs, maintaining BBT, tolerating headache of administration in ISKCON Peru, enthusiastic Kirtan and association in Callao.

Hearing Srimad Bhagavatam stories touches and develops the intelligence below the level of senile dementia.

Krsna is Braja jana ranjana: He is enlivening the inhabitants of Vraja with ever newer and newer pastimes for His delight.

What will He arrange for us next!!!

Ready to play!