Hispanoamerican Symposium Report (The oriental kings)

3 years, 1 month ago by Germán Vegas in Special Category B

Hare Krsna dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I give you the report of the Symposium, I hope I am not overlooking any important information.


  • To consolidate ASA's efforts in education: the different branches were integrated (ASA Carnaval, Argentina and Chile. Why not ASA Peru???)), who contributed in advertising and transmiting the event in social media / ASA also contributed with their member's dedicated presentations (SS Hanumatpresaka Swami, LAD, Candramukhi dd, Priya Sakhi dd and Gandharva das) / and cooperated with MOE representatives organizing the event.
  • NIOS participated as sponsor and support (mainly in the hands of ARTD, with whom a fluid and effective coordination was maintained).
  • The development [of] the 3 major topics proposed by you (Who is an educated man? What are the Steps on the Educational Ladder? Books are the Basis, The Bhaktivedanta Library, Srila Prabhupada's Four Diplomas. Daivi Varna Ashrama Dharma.

ASA - This is more than three topics! 🐵

  • The presence of the MOE in the region is consolidating, presenting itself as an institution sincerely interested in education development, with initiative and the support of a work team that carried out the project.
  • It has been possible to form a community of educators and devotees committed in education service, as a result of the event, the Facebook page is maintained with 190 members.

Technical information:

  • 20 event days / 19 participants / 4 presenters / 3 translators / between 30 and 60 devotees attending each day

To improve:

  • There were presentations that repeated part of their content (curator error).
  • There was some inexperience in handling broadcasts on Zoom and Facebook (we have learned a lot!).
  • We consider that the event can last half the time for future occasions.
  • Simultaneous translations can be substantially improved to integrate English-speaking devotees.
  • The lack of interest on the part of the authorities was overwhelming. The authorities of Chile and Bolivia participated permanently, but they were the exception.

ASA - This verse is perfect perspective for this situation, no? https://vedabase.io/es/library/lob/21/

What follows:

  • First of all, talk with you and receive your instructions and suggestions in this regard (we will be in Chosica from February 3 to 12).

HpS - Of course, with Pandemic etc this will not happen, but we had and excellent discussion with Bali-mardana Das and now we will work on PanAmerican symposia: Preliminary from Houston (within March 7th-17th) and Robust first week in June from Boise, Idaho.

We need more meetings, maybe periodical, web page.

We will visit Spain July to October.

  • A permanent committee composed of the 4 representatives and 4 education leaders will be created to develop the necessary strategies.

HpS - Super! Please introduce them in the Blog!!!

  • A way will be sought to further integrate the educational community in Latin America, through other similar events, seminars, diplomas and the training of new teachers.
  • The possibility of publishing an online magazine (every three months) that provides information and constitutes a basis for reflection on these issues is being analyzed in order to attract more devotees committed to this service.
  • Find a way to integrate and involve local authorities, who are not very interested in educational development.

Thank you very much for your help

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS - ASA - Thank you!!! We agree like 97% with you analysis of the event. We heard continuous praises of the program.

If people are reading the books then they must be buying them.

Read to learn. Learn to teach!!!