
3聽years, 1聽month ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, reciba mis respetuosas reverencias馃檹

Estuve casi todo el mes de noviembre en Arequipa haciendo Sankirtan de los libros de Srila Prabhupada, regrese a Huancayo en el mes de diciembre (Marat贸n).

Desde que se levanto la cuarentena en octubre del 2020 hasta la fecha vengo distribuyendo los libros de Srila Prabhupada, aumentado la austeridad y el riesgo (virus, mascarilla, municipales, el clima, la distancia, la altura, la mente y el cuerpo).

No quiero decir detalles, tengo problemas fuertes y bueno lo que puedo decir es que se hizo lo que se pudo y nada m谩s queda entender que todo lo bueno y lo malo que pueda pasar termina siendo bueno por misericordia de Sri Krsna.

Mi salud no esta bien, falta de aire y palpitaciones irregulares en el coraz贸n, tengo da帽ada la clavicula izquierda y parte de la espalda de ese lado. (Mucho peso en la mochila con libros). Pero a煤n a pesar de ello seguimos saboreando un poquito de nectar. Quiz谩 necesite hacer algo de yoga, pranayama.馃憤

Estoy llevando unos cursos de palmistry, algo de Jyotish.

Tambi茅n me gusta mucho el arte (dibujo, pintura). Quiero aprender m谩s y hacer algunos cuadros.

Estoy viviendo solo en Huancayo con las Deidades y las Salagrama Silas, bueno ni tan solo. Jeje.

Mi lectura personal , S.B Canto 4 "La Creaci贸n de la cuarta orden" Cap铆tulo 8 "Dhruva Maharaja abandona el hogar y se va al bosque".

Retomando el Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhya Lila, Cap铆tulo 6 "La liberaci贸n de Sarvabhauma Bhatttacarya" texto 174.

16 rondas de japa, gayatris, 4 principios regulativos, Mangal artik 5 am (tratando de mejorar esto).

Este fue mi sankirtan de libros 2021:

Libros peque帽os y medianos 911

Bhagavad-Gita poket 247

(Srila Prabhupada).

Tu no eres el cuerpo 660

(Bir Krishna Das Goswami).

Iluminaci贸n por camino natural 486

(Hridayananda Dasa Goswami).

Buena Dieta y Salud 721

(Ediciones Sattva).

Un total de 3025 libros distribuidos con todas mis dificultades y torpezas para la satisfacci贸n de Srila Prabhupada, de usted, de la sucesi贸n discipular y de Sri Nityananda & Sri Gauranga.

Me despido Guru Maharaja, por favor perd贸neme, perdone mis ofensas. Que Nrsimha lo proteja.

Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Dasa.


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja, please receive my respectful obeisances.

I was almost the entire month of November in Arequipa doing Sankirtan from Srila Prabhupada's books, I returned to Huancayo in the month of December (Marathon).

Since the quarantine was lifted in October 2020 to date, I have been distributing Srila Prabhupada's books, increasing austerity and risk (virus, mask, municipal, weather, distance, height, mind and body).

I do not want to say details, I have strong problems and well what I can say is that what was possible was done and nothing else remains to understand that everything good and bad that can happen ends up being good by the mercy of Sri Krsna.

My health is not good, shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat, I have damaged my left clavicle and part of my back on that side. (A lot of weight in the backpack with books). But even in spite of this we continue to savor a little bit of nectar. Maybe you need to do some yoga, pranayama.

I'm taking some palmistry courses, some Jyotish.

I also really like art (drawing, painting). I want to learn more and make some pictures.

I am living alone in Huancayo with the Deities and the Salagrama Silas, well not alone. He he.

My personal reading, S.B Canto 4 "The Creation of the fourth order" Chapter 8 "Dhruva Maharaja leaves home and goes to the forest".

Returning to Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhya Lila, Chapter 6 "The liberation of Sarvabhauma Bhatttacarya" text 174.

16 rounds of japa, gayatris, 4 regulative principles, Mangal artik 5 am (trying to improve this).

This was my 2021 book sankirtan:

Small and medium 911 books

Bhagavad-Gita poket 247

(Srila Prabhupada).

You are not the body 660

(Bir Krishna Das Goswami).

Natural path lighting 486

(Hridayananda Dasa Goswami).

Good Diet and Health 721

(Sattva editions).

A total of 3025 books distributed with all my difficulties and blunders for the satisfaction of Srila Prabhupada, you, the disciplic succession and Sri Nityananda & Sri Gauranga.

I say goodbye Guru Maharaja, please forgive me, forgive my offenses. May Nrsimha protect him.

Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Dasa.

HpS - AGTSP paoho. Thank you for the news. Thank you for your association in the FMP and the fortnightly Kapi-Dhvaja.

There is nothing that can stop our advancment as long as we are doing Sankirtan. Of course, you know, I know, we have to do it with more and more pure intentions.

Daksa was doing Visnu yajna but with very selfish motives.

Dhruva was doing it with moderately selfish motives.

We all look at your efforts and take them as a challenge to improve our lives, and hope that our efforts are helping you to improve you Sankirtan through all these modes.