FMP Vaisnava Thakura Yearly report

3 years, 2 months ago by bhaktabigfoot in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

Please except my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to you

From my understanding Ramananda Roy and Lord Chaitanya had a conversation about what is a Vaisnava. The conclusion was that person who when you see them you are inspired to chant Hare Krishna, this is a Vaisnava. Aside from His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktividanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, your beloved Guru and Founder Acharya of ISCKON, there is no one that inspires me more to chant Hare Krishna then you Guredeva. When seeing you online or in person, while hearing from you or while thinking of you I am inspired to chant and hear the Glories of Sri Krsna. I thank you so much for this. There is no bigger gift.

My Sadhana

Rounds: At one point I did fall behind in some rounds. I started a new job driving bus for the City of Dallas and I work some crazy shifts. 13 hours sometimes, sometimes finishing at 2am then having to work days sometimes. However, I have caught up on all rounds and chanting minimum 16 rounds each day.

HpS / ASA ----- Meaner than a junk yard dog!!! Jaya!!!!

4 principles: I am currently following these strictly. However, please forgive me Gurudeva as I did sometimes drink some "energy shots" which contained caffeine while starting the job previously mentioned. I am very embarrassed by this and ask you to please forgive me for my failure and offense.

HpS: Probably the reaction to the beverage is its own education!

FMP: I haven't been steady with FMP. I work swing shift getting off work sometimes at midnight and sometimes at 2am, then I am called in during my days off sometimes to work day shifts. It can be hectic. However, I think I found that when I get off work at night I take a nap then get up and do FMP then go to sleep again it can work. Its hard to get up sometimes after going to sleep for a nap in the middle of the night but I am working on it. The hardest part is there isn't much of a routine. But I promise I am working on it Gurudeva and will get better at this.

HpS - The determination to progress is 90% of doing it. Jayananda Das told us the very beginning that getting up for Brahma muhurta was a matter of learning how to catching the causeless mercy of Krsna, and then the result is so great that it becomes a necessity. It gives you super power. Just do it alone. Read the Krsna book.... Your challenge. Your victory!


While driving bus I have a few Sankirtan engagements. One that I have spoken to you about is I distribute Prasdam planters peanut packs during my routes. Also I give Stretch Island fruit leathers to kids that ride the bus. In addition I set out a Bhagavad Gita on the bus. Each time I set it out in the beginning of the day I think about how when Arjuna and Krishna are present then there is always victory. Most days 1-3 BG's go out, for the month of December 35 BGs we're distributed. Sometimes people thinking they are stealing it (LOL). Sometimes they ask about if its mine, I tell them no but if they would like they can have it, then they take it. Sometimes people pick it up look at it then put it down. There is a lot of interaction and attraction to Krishna and Srila Prabhupada's BG. I have been inspired by you to try this. I have heard you talk about putting books in airlplanes and also just keeping a book on your person and Krishna will provide an opportunity for you to give it to someone. In addition, I really have had a deeper understanding of your picture of Hanuman giving Mother Sita Lord Rama's ring. My deeper understanding in its not my BG, its Krishna's and Srila Prabhupada's BG, I received it from them, I pass it along to others who have a choice if they want to accept their gift or not. Then the relationship between Krishna/Srila Prabhupada and that person accepting their gift is between them. It gives me an interesting feeling of helplessness and gratitude. It also leads to more confidence. Nothing is happening by chance. Thank you Gurudeva for the inspiration and mercy to participate in this Sankirtan movement.

I pray to our Black God with a white girlfriend, Sri Sri Radha-Kalachandaji, here in Dallas to protect you always. How fortunate we are for this opportunity to write you each year at the time of your Vyasa Puja, reflecting on our relationship with you, with Srila Prabhupada, or progress, our stumbling blocks and so much more. We dive deep in meditation on what is most important. Thank you so much for you mercy Gurudeva.


Nanda-braja das

HpS - !!!! More and more and more inspiration from Krsna for means to preach. Get His books out to the right people!