Sankirtan from Radhika Spa

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja AGTSP PAMHO Dear Maharaja I hope you fell completely well. The eternal relationship between the soul are amazing !

Yesterday came in to my bussines a girl from Argentina , she sale biblie like a extra curricular class in her University, And i was very happy because I show her the Bhagavad gita and explain about rencarnation and resurrection . She could understand and she was very happy to know our philosophy ! In the end our meeting I read a text and then, I gift the Bhagavad Gita to her. Tomorrow I go to see her again. She come back to Argentina. Pleases don't forget this insignificant soul ! Your eternal servant Maha Bhava Cintamani dd

HpS - ASA  ---   AGTSP    paoho   What is your business!