Personal Sadhana and Mandir Report

2 years, 11 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!

Gouranga Mahaprabhu ki Jai, Radha-Krsna ki Jai, Goura Bhakta Vrinda ki Jai

All glories to Srila A.C. Prabhupada, Bhakti Svarupa Sripad Maharaja and

HpS Guru Maharaja!


Dandavat Pranam, Guruji Maharaja!


Please accept my humble obeisances unto the Padmacharan of Sri Guruji Maharja that I am so pleased to hear Guruji Maharaja’s reply to my previous letter. Nowadays we are joining morning regular Bhagavatam Class under Bhakti Ananda Haridasa Goswami Maharaja through Zoom from 5.15 to 6.15 generally 6.30. It is very interesting and developed bhakti knowledge to hear Bhagavatam in our mother tong. Today we discuss the 2.9.33-36 chaturtha sloka of Bhagavatam. It is my first experience of reading Sanskrit words, then the sloka with ridum individually and in a group.

This time we are celebrating Gurujis Vyasa Pujah on the 4th Jan. 2022 in the Radha Krsna Mandir, ISKCON Temple at Imphal. From Thoubal some Prabhus and Mataji's are planning to join the celebration.

Guruji Maharaja what is the best time and place of Chanting? In my opinion, after mangal arati, in the morning is the most suitable. We can see in every temple or religious place, and some are chanting on the way, or seeing, listening to something. How far is it suitable? Guruji mentioned frequently in previous letters that “a nice chanting” what does it really mean? Please explain.

Your fallen servant, 

Yamunesvara Das

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

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Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...