
3 years ago by i8themaha in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

Please accept my humble obeisances (at your lettuce feet)!

HpS-ASA - Jaya!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

ASA - !!! 👏

Dear Maharaja,

I have read your last letter and became broken-hearted. 😓

I understand that you wouldn't want to disrupt Sankirtan, but Krsna Kulture is just a job, the greatest opportunity that I have in the world is to serve you in Murfreesboro!

HpS - Yet, it is SUCH a job. In any case let us figure out what is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all.

I recently purchased four boxes of Srila Prabhupada's books, and I can bring them with me on the road so that the Sankirtan lives on!

I've decided to beg... Can I please come serve you?????? Please????

Pretty please with dairy on top?

HpS - Of course, whatever Srila Prabhupada indicates. 🙂 Guess we should talk on the phone. Blog alone not efficient fix these details. We have over two months.

The best part about an (American) dream is that one can WAKE UP AND SERVE THE SPIRITUAL MASTER 😊

I was looking at the TTD and I believe that it's from this lecture, is that correct?:

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.1.1

Type: Srimad-Bhagavatam

Date: March 16, 1974

Location: Vṛndāvana

Also, speaking about bathing the monkey, were you referring to cleaning the heart?---

Then he must be free from the material bondage. That is called hṛdy antaḥ-stho hy abhadrāṇi vidhunoti---washed off... But how it can be cleansed? The process is to hear Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.

2/16/4 zero-K, FMP daily. Taking it a day at a time.

Hare Krishna dear Maharaja!

Also, may I please have permission to chant your pranam mantra and offer (bhoga, water, incense) to your picture on the home altar?

HpS - If you have permission from Temple President, letter of recommendation I think it is the right thing to do.

Ten minutes to nine. Let us go to the rest of the priority mail!!! Need your association.

Your aspiring servant,

Jason S.