Request of service in "waves of devotion" translate

3 years, 2 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja and ASA team,

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to your mission of sankirtana!

I am very grateful that despite of having so much service, you are also dedicating to book distribution and for the link of the video by Gita Jayanti.

Sorry for not writing before informing about the marathon in Perú,so far we are going with 1430 Bhagavad gita distributed y and about 1800 book pockets.

There are 15 devotees including New Ashoka van participating in the Maraton ,of your disciples are Advaita thakura d and Ramalila dd(nama hatta) in Arequipa, Gadai d in Huancayo.

Then I will be sending a final report of the marathon.

I want to ask you to please allow me to participate in your sankirtan, helping in the translation of the book "waves of devotion". I still don't have the facility to speak but I can read English and I understand.

I also want to ask if you can give me a brief interview on Friday January 14 or friday January 21, I would go to visit you with Tarangaksi dd.

Thank you very much Maharaja,

All glories to Nrsimhadeva and Prahlada Maharaja!

ys Isvari R dd

HpSwami-ASA -- Hare Krishna! 🖐🖐🐒 Please tell Bh. Bhusana Swami that we have always be greatly helped by your association.

Our Calendar

Says we plan to be in La Laz from 12-20 January so we would have to meet before or after.

Talk with Mitravinda Devi Dasi about translation! Maybe Abinandana Das could give advice to the team as the work progresses.


Time for Hispanoamericana Symposium!

Nos vemos allá!