Manuel's 12th report

3 years, 1 month ago by manuel in Special Category A

ALL GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA and all his loyal disciples like you who preach his teachings wherever they go

The most intense stage of the filming of the film DIARY OF A TRAVELING CREATURE: THE DEFINITIVE JOURNEY has begun: daily scenes on various and important topics are being filmed and now that Prabhu Caitanya Caritamrita, Mother Subra and Prabhu Radhika Raman arrive, the activities will get even more intense. We hope that by the mercy of Gurudeva and Sri Nityanananda we can properly fulfill our humble service.


The meeting on December 11 between academics and NIOS about MASTERS AND DISCIPLES was a success. Now we are in contact with the members of the Organizing Committee to define who are the guests to present. For his part HH HpS has already defined that their guests will be Dr. Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay and Dr. Bermardo Nante from Argentina. We hope that the other members of the Committee will do the same.

This Sunday 19 of december Prabhu Badra Rupa comes to speak about "Music, art and the sacred", this as part of the interviews of the series "voices of the forest". On Monday we will record kirtan and bhajans with him and the members of Nueva Asoka-van.

This week mother Subra and Radhika Raman prabhu arrive so it will be an excellent opportunity to discuss spiritual education. ARTd spoke with Juan Dejo, Mother Purnamasi, and Mother Priya-sakhi to discuss educational issues with them.

With Juan Dejo we hope to talk about “educational experiences and how to instill spiritual values”. With Mother Purnamasi we have established a coordination with educators from Hungary, Germany, Spain and other European countries. The theme is “building a Vaisnava educational base for children and adolescents in the West”. And with mother Priya-saki, it is coordinating to establish a dialogue table with representatives from Latin America to talk about "How to educate to form the character and sincere attitude of bhakti in a person."

In the next report we will expand on these topics.


That's it for now, sorry for our delays and limitations, HARE KRISHNA.