Simposio Hispanoamericano ZOOM Connection (Kalpataru)

3 years, 2 months ago by Germán Vegas in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Gurudeva



I am sending you the details for connecting to the ZOOM platform:

Meeting ID: 854 7376 5083

Password: 1728

(The link is not activated on the blog, I send it to you by whatsapp and by mail)

The conference titles are:

  • 17 dec. / HH Hanumatpresaka Swami: The purpose of education.
  • 18 dec. / LAD: The teaching-learning process.
  • 19 dec. / Sarvabhauma das (brazil): "Establishing the Vanaprastha-asrama in the 21st century"
  • 20 dec. / Baladeva das: Books are the basis
  • 21 dec. / Candramukhi dd: Bhakti Sastri as a Base for Higher Education
  • 22 dec. / Mitravinda dd: Empathic and compassionate connection.
  • 23 dec. / Param Padam das: Round table: Hermeneutical attitude and pedagogical methods most suitable for teaching and studying sastra.
  • 24 dec. / Harinama Gauranga das (colombia): "The role of education in building a sustainable congregation"
  • 26 dec. / Karunya Nitai das (ecuador): An educated man.
  • 27 dec. / Yadunandana Swami ...
  • 28 dec. / Priya Sakhi dd: Reading and study as a source of inspiration and action
  • 29 dec. / HH Dhanvantari Swami: Systematic study of Srila Prabhupada's books, an experience for all
  • 30 dec. / LAD: summary, questions and answers
  • 31 dec. / Rohini dd: "The four divisions of the social order and spiritual education
  • 2 jan. / Prema Rupa das...
  • 3 jan. / Gandharva das: "Pramanas in the framework of contemporary pedagogy."
  • 4 jan. / Param Padam das: Round table: Processes, challenges, techniques and tips to create and maintain your own sastric course
  • 5 jan. / Subhadra dd: "How to stimulate spiritual life in children and adolescents"
  • 6 jan. / / LAD: summary, questions and answers
  • 7 jan. Hanumatpresaka Swami: Conclusions and closing of the event

** On the other hand, we will travel to Lima from January 20 (when you return from Bolivia). The main purpose of our trip is to associate with you and discuss some educational service issues, so going earlier is meaningless. No hurry.

Your servant

Gandharva das