News from Radhakunda

3 years, 2 months ago by radhakundamataji in Special Category A



Radhe radhe, my dear Guru Maharaja

HpS/ASA - Krsna Krsna, HARE HARE!! 😊

I offer my, and all the family, humble obeisances to your lotus (lettuce) feet. Haridev laughs a lot when he hears that.

We had an extatic kartik month full of bliss and beautiful festivals here in radhakund.

ASA - 🐵

And to keep on relishing the nectar of this holy place, on December 10th we had a nice program to open the house of Krsna Svarupa.

Vanamali prabhu from Imphal was doing the griha prabesh pooja, and some other devotees from Assam and Radhakund made kirtan, after Krsna Svarup and his wife, Indumukhi offered us bal bhoga.

So, as you can read, everything is ready for you to come to Radhakund, we are very excited about that.

My health as usual going up and down but as I always say "that is ok, if I live or if I die, I am in Radhakund, I am ready to leave this body any moment, cause I know I am in the best place for that.

In the meantime I will try to do my best doing bhajan, serving the divine couple and to serve you.

Dandavat pranam guru maharaja, thank you for all your blessings and causeless mercy.

Your (trying to be humble) servant)

Tungavidya dd

HpS - ! ! We are on our way!!! Arrive Kartika next year and never leave???
