Ramachandra Das - CoVid Vaccine

3 years, 2 months ago by ramachandradas in Special Category A

Hare Krsna dear Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Maharaja, I am very happy that you are here again in Perú

I want to ask you:

What is your opinión about these vaccines in this "pandemia" time

There are diferent opinions and confusion, but what Srila Prabhupada said, and you as ISKCON Spiritual Máster, I want to listen your words as it is

Thank you in avance for the answer

Your servant

Ramachandra Das

HpS - So, nice to hear from you! Hope you are pulling out the weeds from the base of your Bhakti Creeper one by one and moving back to your real potential!!!!!

  • Government Prescribed Medication.
  • Feminism.
  • Ecology.
  • International and Religious Conflict to even nuclear war.

Arjuna had to face same choices in BG, no? Final answer is chant 16-enthusiastic rounds and follow four principles strictly ie surrender unto Krsna, and He will protect us from the greatest danger ie. separation from Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan party, His ISKCON.


We are open to hear suggestions from others. Right now we are in favor of taking the vaccines. We have been Pfizered twice and boosted once.

Our community includes four doctors of Indian origin, two of whom are initiated devotees, and one is a Gurukula survivor.

We have heard some of the conspiracy theories and then looked for comments on the Blog and so far they do not seem to be valid.

Yes, all the above agree, the vaccines have not been tested over ten years, but they have been tested and from what we have seen and heard, they work and will keep us from infection and keep us from infecting others.

On the other hand, we suspect that Co-Vid is Krsna's way of taking dangerous toys away from children who are misusing them ie. industrialization. We predicted from the very beginning that Co-Vid might mutate so rapidly that industrialized medicine could not keep up with it, and the only solution is for people to return to Krsna's plan of simple living and high thinking ie. build a village community and stay there for generations.
