Hispanoamerican Symposium 06 (Maya Javanikacanam)

3 years, 2 months ago by Germán Vegas in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Gurudeva


I'm sending this summarized information that may be useful for the Kapi Dvaja Ekadasi report concerning to the Hispanoamerican Symposium of Education.

Date: from december 17 2021 to january 7 2022

Platform: Zoom / a link will be published via Facebook

Hour: 6:30 am (mex) 7:30 am (per/col/ecu) 8:30 (bol) 9:30 (chi/bra/arg/par/uru) 13:30 (esp)

Participants: HH Hanumatpresaka Swami, HH Dhanvantari Swami, HH Yadunandana Swami, Param Padam das, Baladeva das, Prema Rupa das (argentina), Sarvabhauma das, Subhadra dd, Mitravinda dd (brazil), Radhika Ramana, Subhra dd (usa), Karunya Nitay das (ecuador), Harinama Gauranga das (colombia), Priya Sakhi dd (chile) and Rohini dd, Candramukhi dd, Laksmana Agraja das, Gandharva das (peru).

  • Your conferences will be on friday december 17th (opening) and friday january 7th (closing) 7:30 am. (peruvian time)
  • Tapana Misra prabhu will give a few words during the first 15 minutes of the opening, before you begin.

We pray to Srila Prabhupada for the event to be fruitful for all.

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS - Thank you. AgtSP!!! We are paying $80 for Abhirama Th. Das's Zoom account to have bi-lingual facilities for one month. We people can join and select their language channel and then hear the presentations in that language and contribute in that language. Hope it can be useful in this work.