Hispanoamerican Symposium 05 (Holy Dhama)

3 years, 2 months ago by Germán Vegas in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Gurudeva


I send you the answers to your questions:

  • Concerning to Param Padam's das round table. He is ok with your 5 minute introduction about the most suitable methods for the study and teaching of sastra.
  • Everything to be recorded, distributed? Yes, every session will be recorded in a Youtube channel and delivered via Facebook. We're planning to edit an online document summarizing the ideas discussed.
  • MOE blessings? Yes, I have invited Tapana Misra prabhu to share with us a 10 to 15 minutes introduction / blessings just before the first conference (given by your good self) on december 17 th. Still awaiting for his confirmation.
  • One paragraph summary of each presentation in English within day after the event? Yes, the summarized report will be translated and distributed among english speaking memebers of NIOS, ASA and anyone that could be interested in.
  • Get a report ready. Think you need to catch up with ArtD the same way you did with KkD, no? I have asked ARTD for a report in Spanish that I will translate to share during the December 12 session.

HpS - Hare Krsna! Hare Rama... Just talked with Abhiseka about the NIOS meeting on the 12th and maybe you, me and ArtDas can have a quick talk on Friday. Thank you so much. Please keep your priorities.

  • Publish the results in Solaris? It will be great, we just need to give an academic form to the aforementioned technical report that we will share with the community of devotees.
  • Concerning to Radhika Ramana das and Subhra mataji participation: we will send a few suggestions and questions for them to present during their extra time sessions.

Thank you Gurumaharaja

Your servant

Gandharva das