Hispanoamerican Symposium 04 (pratistha)

3 years, 2 months ago by Germán Vegas in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Our sincere obeisances

The symposium schedule has been set at 95%. All invited participants are excited about the potential of the event, we hope to be up to it. Some comments and doubts:

  • The presentations will be broadcast by Zoom between December 17 and January 7 at 7:30 am Peruvian time.
  • On December 25 and January 1 there will be no activity.
  • You are invited to give the first conference (December 17 / 7:30 am) and the last one (January 7 / 7:30 am), on any of the 4 main topics.
  • Maharaja Yadunandana and Maharaja Dhanvantari will give their presentations on January 27 and 29, respectively.
  • There will be two sessions of only questions, answers and surveys by LAD and two roundtables by Param Padam das.
  • You have been invited to the round table on December 23 (7:30 am). Topic: The most suitable pedagogical methods for teaching and studying the sastra (together with Yadunandana Swami, Baladeva das, LAD, Vraja Bhakti devi dasi and myself).

HpS/ASA - I declined because I just cannot follow the dialog during these sessions. Not my mother's tongue. 😛

Instead, we both thought it would be nice for me to make a five minute presentation at the start.

  • As I understand it, Radhika Ramana prabhu and Subhra mataji will make their presentations at separate times from the temple. It would be excellent to know what day and time to advertise them in advance.

HpS/ASA - We must have misled you but we were thinking of them being a part of the program with the other speakers. This arrangement is fine though. 🤓

Why don't you poll your participants and see what topics would please them. Subhra DD is of course an experienced and senior educator and administrator in public and devotee primary schools, and can give information about the other schools in USA.

RRD grew up in home schooling and his mother is the greatest expert in the subject. He graduated from Oxford, has published three heavy books with Cornell University Press etc. and is now head his department of history and institute of religious studies at the oldest state university.

They could do some presentation and then question and answer.

Everything to be recorded, distributed?

MOE blessings?

One paragraph summary of each presentation in English within day after the event?

  • LAD has joined the organizing committee as a consultant and organizer of activities.
  • Indira Sakti and I will travel to see you from January 9 to 19. We cannot do it before because we will be in charge of the transmission and organization of the online programs. We will miss your Vyasapuja (which makes us very sad) but we will try to be at your service (which makes us very happy).

HpS - O.K. .

  • I am attaching the calendar and the first poster of the event (there will be two).
  • As you asked, to be able to board the ASA boat, I have managed to identify my archetypal form: A badger ...

HpS - Your American Indian name can be "Lives in the Earth".

*Of course I want to remain part of the NIOS directory, I was the first to reply to your email!!😋 . HpS Super. Get a report ready. Think you need to catch up with ArtD the same way you did with KkD, no?

**I had a meeting with Tapana Misra prabhu on very good terms. He sends you his greetings and obeisances.

ASA - Answers our previous questions.

Eagerly waiting for your comments.

HpS - Above, no? Publish the results in Solaris?

Your servant

Gandharva das