FMP-PC // Response and annual report

3 years, 1 month ago by Carlos Rold in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dearest and respected Maharaja


I hope that you and devotees are all as well as is possible and happy sharing the association between all of you there in Santa Eulalia, the darshan that you share through Gotomeeting and Facebook is very inspiring and comforting. My obeisances to all the devotees there.

HpS/ASA - You association for many years is also very great impetus to us! Thank you and all your associates.

Reading and meditating on the response you gave me to my previous letter (, and where you tell me that maybe we could try to start working online, bearing in mind that you are currently focused on the work for the book Tava Pache Pache, and considering that the main project at this moment is the film and the best is to direct all efforts towards this project, so I believe that the best I can do to try to help is to make myself completely available to you and to your disciples/team for the book project and/or for the film as you deem appropriate as long as you deem it necessary, and if you determine that my help could be useful.

I can write texts of all kinds and formats in Spanish, I can review and correct texts, syntax, grammar, spelling, etc. (style correction), I can translate documents from English to Spanish and I can leave them at a very good level, I can generate content, I can do interviews, executive production and all kinds of procedures and managements such as generation of strategic alliances, etc., or whatever you want. I am seeing that it is difficult to travel, especially because prices have skyrocketed, tickets that before the pandemic were at USD $ 200 and less, are now at USD $ 1,000- 1,500 even more, Santiago-Lima / Lima-Santiago; and the situation in Chile is difficult and everything is becoming more and more expensive and all prices rise rapidly in general for most goods and services and food. In any case, I will make all the necessary efforts to visit you for at least a couple of weeks, the truth is that I am focusing my mind in this way and trying to make a plan because I have the desire to travel (I'm thinking, for example, to travel by land). Or if I don't go I would like to use some money anyway and make a donation and send money to Peru. I want to go anyway.

HpS/ASA - Thank you!!! We will use you all!

In relation to my personal life during this year, in summary I can say that I have had a lot of internal and external movement during this 2021, understanding that I have to learn to accept the things and the situations and stop trying to control and intervene, like the principle of not-do in the tao: wu wei.

Family problems of different types and also work and business affairs, judicial procedures, but already learning to resist, to be tolerant, to wait and try to discover how to solve and above all improve my way of looking and reacting, trying to apply the aphorism that you taught me: “there are 2 kinds of problems, those that solve themselves and those that have no solution”; and the truth is today I believe that this is how it works here in the material world. And realizing that it is very difficult and always a risk to associate with anyone in any matter.

My daughter turned 18 years old recently (Nov 26), she graduated from school a few days ago. Since a few months ago she has been studying vegan cooking and pastry at the first vegan school in Chile (InCubaVeg); she has been studying English for 4-5 years and has a Cambridge validation because an international exam, and she has been studying German language for almost 6 months because she wants to go to perfect herself in her vegan gastronomy studies at a school in Berlin or elsewhere in Germany, because that country is one of the strongest in vegan culture and organic food; and also she wants to study Enterprise Administration here in Chile. I learn a lot from her being her father and I just want to accompany her and be able to guide and support her in the best way that I can. I am overprotective and I have learned that I really cannot act overprotective, it's not good to do that, but I have to increase my faith in Krishna and trust His will and protection, and try to do my best and act when necessary with clarity and strategy, in the best case.

This year I have chanted fewer rounds than last year, on average 7-8 rounds a day during 2021, anyway every day also I listen to the maha mantra recited by Srila Prabhupada on YouTube with my headphones when I go on the street or in the subway or when I am doing some motor skills activity. I want and must increase my rounds.

I have been practicing celibacy for more than 2 years, in general it has been beneficial for me in many aspects, but I still have the desire and sometimes it can be intense but in general I see that little by little it is diminishing or ceasing to be such an important desire, So it is obvious that I do not have a celibate nature, but I like to stay this way because the truth is that it is quite comfortable to stay away from all the entanglements associated with the couple or sexual ambit.

But, I still smoking cannabis at night, also I'm involved and studying in a medical institution, NGO, focused on medical uses of cannabis, it is very interesting.

Since February and every Tuesday I have been participating in the Bhakti Sastri course and I am a student of your disciple Laksman-agraja Das. It is very stimulating for me to participate, because I feel that it sustains me and keeps me in Krishna consciousness. Around 1 month ago in an evaluation I had to give a class on the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 16 "The Divine and Demonic Nature", it was the first time that I gave a class and I really liked it and I felt comfortable, it was pleasant for me and I was able to give that class that lasted almost 45 minutes, and I got good feedback from the evaluators. Currently we have just begun the study of "The Nectar of Devotion."

HpS/ASA - Super. One Maha-mantra for each puff on your pipe???

Every day I offer the food that I prepare to Krishna directing my prayers to an image of Gopal in our kitchen (I sent a picture), I use a special container to offer Him the cooked bhoga in the image of Gopal. At least I prepare 1 or 2 foods by day at home that I offer (all the mantras and glorification) and when I eat something away from home, which is often, it is always in a vegetarian or vegan restaurant 99% of times and I also offer it before eating with the Panca Tattva mantra + 3 maha mantra. Many times I buy lunch for your disciple Lalita Madhava Das, who delivers prasadam (today he gave me ekadasi prasadam). I have a daily association with your disciple Arjuna Das, who has a mini store (kiosk) where he sells prasadam, books, and other foods and things, this place is 5 blocks from my mother's house, where I am currently living. He is an inspiration because he is preaching and sharing prasadam every day the whole day to every person, and every dog, every cat, every horse, every bird, every tree... he is with very good energy, strong and refulgent. He said that in fact he is very very tired.

This year I have distributed an average of 3 Srila Prabhupada´s books every week. I deliver prasadam every day and also try to preach about Krishna and Srila Prabhupada every day.

This year I have participated in 90% approx. of the mangal arati and the other Gotomeeting programs and other digital platforms.

In a next letter I will write the other matters that I want to comment on, so as not to make this letter so long that it is already long.

Thank you so much for everything,


Your aspiring servant,

Carlos Rold Hernández.

HpS - ASA - This is a very, very long letter for the Blog.... but you are a journalist. It is in good English and is easy to read. Best wishes in all these matters. Seems you are on the right path and should overcome all your obstacles naturally.

See you tomorrow.