(CP-KD "A Tulasi le gustan los baños") VIAJE A ESPAÑA

3 years, 2 months ago by jayanta in Special Category B

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

Teniendo en cuenta que está sobrepasado de servicio trataré de ser conciso.

En primer lugar quiero decirle que es una gran alegría saber que vendrá en 2022 y pienso que la fecha prevista para venir a España me parece buena. Aunque Julio es, posiblemente, el mes mas caluroso del año, en NVM ya suele tener noches y mañanas agradables. Además a partir de esa fecha el calor suele ir remitiendo. Por otro lado si se quiere hacer algo en las universidades, que estaría muy bien, pienso que Octubre sería bueno. A finales de septiembre se empiezan a incorporar los alumnos, así que si se quiere hacer algo tendría que ser a principios de octubre.

Leo el blog y el KD regularmente y pienso que el blog es uno de sus servicios mas importantes, ya que se establecen respuestas filosóficas a la mayoría de problemas que solemos tener y mantiene a los discipulos en una sintonía común, además de informados de su sankirtana y del sankirtan de otros devotos. Cuando el seguidor del blog recibe contestación a sus cartas, generalmente, es una inyección de entusiasmo en su vida espiritual y aumenta su sentimiento de "pertenencia" a la familia de ISKCON. Sinceramente pienso que ya hace tiempo que tendría que haber recibido ayuda en este servicio de contestar las cartas.Tal como Prabhupada lo hacía pienso que es lo ideal; el era el devoto más práctico que conocemos. No entiendo porque usted tiene que leer las cartas en el ordenador y contestarlas en la pantalla. El cuerpo y la mente ya no dan para tanto. Usted puede estar sentado en un sillón o una mecedora y un devoto va leyendo las cartas y usted va dictando la contestación. No parece muy complicado.

En cuanto la "Tava pache pache" he leido unas páginas y parece una aportación muy interesante para la comunidad vaisnava. Pienso que antes de imprimir la versión en español hay que mirar muchas veces y evitar todos los errores posibles. O hacer una impresión pequeña que luego pueda ser revisada y perfeccionada mas adelante. Aunque un devoto no le da mucha importancia a los errores, es cierto que cuando vemos un error en un libro la edición pierde algo de credibilidad.

No lo entretengo mas de momento.

Esperando que su conexión con Paramatma sea fluida se despide

su sirviente

Jayanta das


Dear Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP and his loyal fans.

Bearing in mind that he is overworked I will try to be concise.

HpS - AGTSP! paoho. We try to fix priorities and not be overworked. 🙂

First of all I want to tell you that it is a great joy to know that you will come in 2022 and I think that the scheduled date to come to Spain seems good to me. Although July is possibly the hottest month of the year, NVM already usually has pleasant nights and mornings. Also from that date the heat tends to subside. On the other hand, if you want to do something in the universities, which would be very good, I think October would be good. At the end of September the students begin to join, so if you want to do something it would have to be at the beginning of October.

HpS - Now it seems the best we can do is 15 July to 1st October. Ten weeks.

I read the blog and the KD regularly and I think that the blog is one of its most important services, since it establishes philosophical answers to most of the problems that we usually have and keeps the disciples in common harmony, in addition to being informed of their sankirtana. and the sankirtan of other devotees. When the blog follower receives a reply to his letters, it is usually an injection of enthusiasm into his spiritual life and increases his feeling of "belonging" to the ISKCON family. I sincerely think that he should have received help in this service of answering the letters a long time ago. As Prabhupada did, I think that is the ideal; He was the most practical devotee we know of. I don't understand why you have to read the letters on the computer and answer them on the screen. The body and the mind no longer give so much. You may be sitting in an armchair or a rocking chair and a devotee is reading the letters and you are dictating the answer. It doesn't seem very complicated.

HpS - Prabhupada didn't start that until he had many disciples, and could have one of them travel with him as a trained secretary. Definitely we will have to be using secretaries if our Sankirtan continues.

As for the "Tava pache pache" I have read a few pages and it seems a very interesting contribution for the Vaisnava community. I think that before printing the Spanish version you have to look many times and avoid all possible errors. Or make a small print that can later be revised and refined later. Although a devotee does not give much importance to errors, it is true that when we see an error in a book the edition loses some credibility.

HpS - Yes! Thank you. The Nobel Laureate in literature, Albert Camus, said that unless you review your work at least six times you are a coward. The English version has passed through these phases and now it is ready to be distributed to critics for their comments. After including their suggestions we will go for mass distribution. With your help we can try to pass the Spanish edition through the same stages.

Thank you! 🙏 🐰

I am not entertaining [detaining] him [your good self] anymore for now.

Hoping that his connection with Paramatma is fluid, he says goodbye

his servant

Jayanta das