Candramoonkey report

12 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Very dear Gurudeva:


I know that we meet everyday at japa joe with everybody but since a long time I did not write to U,.....

I am very very very grateful and happy for this Japa joe this december 21st my rounds, sadhana etc has improved 108% , thank U very much I feel more energized now.. for instance the other day even if I did all the things that were on my hands I couldn't cover one turn in pujari so I remembered that U tell me that if I just can offer one smile to Krsna that will be Ok and HE gladly will accept it, so I just smile and one mataji tried to help us in that situation <img alt="" src="" title="" />.. Gaura Nitay are much more concern about our hear and chant I realized that.....

I will retun to work on March 5th..but I have already bought my ticket to argentina <img alt="" src="" title="" />... I will there from March 10th to march 16th... (I can handle that situation at work).. I will travel to U to Mar del plata <img alt="" src="" title="" />.... I will go with Mahamanjari dd (Prahladananda Swami's disciple) but on different flights same dates.... we are going to stay at EKanta bhakti's house due to stayin g in the temple is too expensive for us so I can't be there for mangal arti because it is too far away from the temple.... But we can meet  in Srimad Bhagavatam class ,in the evening programs , etc also in mar del plata we will stay at Arjuna sakha das and erika's house the same I guess we can not meet at mangal arti. ON ekanta'sn we have wifi so we can do japa joe with everybody else yeeeeeee

I have already research about the tickets to chiclayo after this email  I will write to the itinerary email....

I can not wait for starting the third canto so I guess I will start reading....

Thanks for all your inspiration....

Your eternal servant

Candramukhi dd <img alt="" src="" title="" />

 HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP   pamho.  Yes, we are coming to the point where we see that we are going to explode.   Out material life will come to an end and we will have 4, 14, 44 arms and 16 heads to do all the service we want to do!   You Itenary is on our Calendar!!!!!   Hare Krsna.  See you in just like two weeks!