Personal Sadhana Report

3 years, 2 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna!

Gouranga Mahaprabhu ki Jai, Radha-Krsna ki Jai, Goura Bhakta Vrinda ki Jai

All glories to Srila A.C. Prabhupada, Bhakti Svarupa Sripad Maharaja and

HpS Guru Maharaja!


Dandavat Pranam,


Please accept my humble obeisanses unto the Padmacharan of Sri Guruji Maharja that I am so pleased to hear Guruji Maharaja’s reply to my previous letter.


As Guruji Maharaja asked : “The basic principle is to take shelter of Lord Chaitanya and Harinam. That is sufficient, no?” Yes, it is the only solution. Guruji gave me Harinam and Gayatri Mantra, it is true, but by chanting Harinam and Gayatri Mantra only will I get Chaitanya’s mercy without Nityananda? Even the 8 sakhis and 8 manjaris never meet Sri Krish without Srimati Radharani and Her permission.

HpS - "Rama" in Maha-mantra is Balarama, no? He is Nityananda! and we always chant Pancha tattva mantra before we chant Hare Krsna mantra so that includes Nityananda and Narottama. Also, we are authorized to chant all the songs of Narottama, Srinivasa, Six Goswamis, Bh. Vinode Thakura, et al, so all the persons mentioned by Partha sarathi Das are also present in our ISKCON Sampradaya. We just access them in a little bit different way.


Are you worshiping Radha Krsna deity? Do you get inspiration from Her (Tulasi) about following Sakhis? Yes, in the form of Chitrabot (Photo) but I had never asked and personally experienced from Them about the following of Sakhis and Manjari, and every day in the morning, first of all, I pray to Tulasi Devi for giving us bhakti of Radh-Krsna. It may be defects from my side in the prayer to Srimati Radhrani and lack of Guru sradha.

HpS - That is really our understanding. When we are getting inspiration above the bodily concept, receiving Manjari names by physical resources, then we are really ready to consider details such as which Sakhi and Manjari we are serving. Again, there is no reason why any devotee from any part of the world, even Manipur, may not realize that his real Svarupa is in Rama-lila, no?

When you have tangible experience of presence of Tulasi devi by mercy of Guru and Krsna, then you can understand Manjari Bhava, no?

If we cannot see our Deities as people, how can we relate to Manjaris without physical presence?


In BG 10.10 Purport's last sentence, If a devotee is not intelligent enough to make progress on the path of self-realization but is sincere and devoted to the activities of devotional service, the Lord gives him a chance to make progress and ultimately attain to Him. The only solution is God’s mercy. I am waiting eagerly.

HpS - Exactly, Krsna enlightens us within the heart. This begins when we reach the level of Gayatri Diksa, and becomes more and more tangible as we become purified. Then we will feel strong presence of Srila Prabhupada from his deity picture at different moments, on even specific issues, what to speak of how to make general purification.

I hope this helps with some perspective. If you just continue improving 16-rounds and four principles then EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT HOW TO MAKE FURTHER PROGRESS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY REVEALED. Of course, you will be inspired by those messages to confirm them with Guru and Sastra: BBT CC and SB etceter. See you in 10-months in Manipura!


We can follow Sakhis by becoming like Krsna’s flute, Krsna’s cows, sakhas. They are all part of the same lila. Our idea of personal sakhi and manjari is thousands, thousands of times lower than the associates of Krsna (dasera-dasera-dasera anudasa to follow the footsteps not directly imitation).


What do your deities say? Guruji, I have no capacity of asking such questions in my present level. I am doing seva and praying.

HpS - Yes. That is exactly the point. We do not try to take formal Manjari situations until we are getting real inspiration from our Arca murtis. It exists. You should be getting at least a little now.


. . . Now have to run to other programs, devotees. This has been very good discussion for me. Let us continue with other topics in the next letters. Read the Kapi Dhvaja and make comments about it.

If there is a different approach of Shikshya Guru and Diksha Guru, what will be the role of the disciple? Yes, spiritual life is different from material life, and the name is self and the same quality of God itself in both lives. From the stories, if any devata wants to meet Laxmi – Narayan in Baikuntha first of all everybody took the permission of Jay & Bijaya, the doorkeepers for information, likewise, if we want to approach Caitanya, whom should we meet first? It is the question.


On the other hand, the standard of our Guruji Maharaja is too high in comparison with other Gurus, then how we simple men can understand the ideas Guruji feels and experienced?


In the SB 2.9.9 : Purport 2nd Para ….. if one is able to received the transcendental sound from the bona fide spiritual master, his path of liberation is guaranteed. The disciple however must be ready to execute the order of the bona fide spiritual master as Lord Brahma executed the instructions of his spiritual master, the Lord Himself. How it could be possible for us?


To follow the instructions of the Spiritual Master is to serve the Spiritual Master and the Bhagavan itself. That is why I am seeking Guruji’s permission (anumani / asisrvad).


Your fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das