Hispanoamerican Symposium 03

3 years, 3 months ago by Germán Vegas in Special Category A

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva


  • I have just sent a message to the representatives of the Ministry mentioning your comments.
  • You said that it was not necessary to elaborate much on the subject of VAD but let me suggest the participation of Sarvabhamuma das and its Vanaprastha community program in Brazil. There are many people interested in a program of this nature.
  • The same with Subhadra devi dasi. She leads a very successful early childhood education program, which attracts many children from 4 years to adolescence. Her program is very close to our reality and we believe that her participation can inspire and offer alternatives to those who wants or already have a similar program.
  • On the other hand, Brazil has always stood apart given the language distance, but it is important to bring it closer to the development of Spanish-speaking communities. They have a lot to offer. Mataji can lead her presentation towards formative education rather than VAD.
  • Sessions would preferably be at 7:30 am?

HpS - Sounds good to us. Others could be organized at other times during the day, week. We hope that ASA can continue to host programs Eg. When we get to Houston March 7th-17th.

  • Indira Sakti dd is already working on the issue of visual communication. When we have something ready, we send it to you to receive your feedback.
  • I had a conversation with Karuna Krsna prabhu for almost an hour. He has always been very understanding with me (which I appreciate) and he is right, for one reason or another I have worked unnecessarily independently in recent months. We have agreed that I will present my reports to them during the next week and keep in regular contact going forward.

HpS - ASA - Thank you! We are almost in tears to hear this. Thank you.

  • ISKCON Chosica will cooperate with the Symposium by facilitating the temple hall for some activities, but it will not be able to do so in the organizational order due to his duties.

HpS - Yes, we can understand this. We sent a Whatsapp message to Karuna and he answered with voice mail to Abhirama, so we are all pretty much on the same page. I am trying to work properly with National Council, Zonal Secretary, GBC Ministry of Education etc. Trying to get Caitanya-candra Das whatsapp number to say hello to him.

We have to talk with Srila Prabhupada.

We have to talk with our friends in ISKCON.

We have to talk with the GBC.

Also, if our local Temple, Chosika, can look at some announcements for their social media that would help and I think within their range of ability. We love the Temple. It is so, so, beautiful.

  • I haven't had much contact with Tapana Misra das lately. The relationship with the Ministry has been permanent with Bhakta Rupa das, for management and administration issues. However, I must deliver my report to the Minister at the end of the year in which I will propose some ideas. Communication is very intermittent, although I think that is a serious problem at ISKCON as an institution.

HpS - Yes. How are we, ASA/NIOS, doing? You got the notice of a NIOS Board of Director's Meeting on the 25th November? We haven't seen your response yet? Do want to, can you, continue as a Director next year?

  • Depending on what you require from us for the Symposium, Indira Sakti dd and I will travel to Lima at the end of the year (we would love to be present at your Vyasapuja) and we will stay for approximately 10 days. I ask that you can meet me personally to discuss some issues related to education and the services I provide in this area. Hopefully you will allow us to visit the asram very frequently during our stay.

HpS - What dates??? Yes...

  • I would like to be part of the organization of the Houston, Madrid and Calcutta Symposia, if you consider it pertinent and necessary. Being at your service means peace in my mind, Gurudeva.

HpS - You have to ask Uncle Gismo if you can be on board the ASA boat! 😁

Of course, that means that you have to join in your archetypical form. Prof. Miguel Polo is a rabbit.

  • Here is the schedule as it is to date

HpS - Looks fine. Then other people can organize individual sessions. Eg. a symposium live and online from Chosika Temple with Mother Subra Devi Dasi, Radhika, Patraka et al.

Your servant

Gandharva das

Trying to be your servant,

H. P. Swami