FMP-PC = Tulasi Likes Baths

3 years, 3 months ago by natyelligarza_108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja.

PAMHO at your lettuce feets 🙃


Firts [first] of all, we are still alive. That´s the good new. We can make big efforts to focus our activities in bhakti service.

16 Rounds, 4 principles and very sweet sevas in the temple, helping cooking for Radha Madana Gopala, Raja Bhoga, Viakalika, Sandhya and last offer three days at week, dancing nice folklore, learning harmonium and working in the TESIS to get my scholar degree. I hope this can be a real thing next year. I am very enthusiastic. I was trying to be in FMP every day, but is a little difficult now that we are in different time zones. Heard you every day is a very nice medicine for this lethargy.

I write you because of all the letters I mention the wish to get married with Vraja Mohan Prabhu, so Bhakti Sundar Maharaja ask us to get merried this year, soon as posible. We talk about it and my wishes to first, take iniciation, and then get married. So, the desition is that in this december Vraja Mohan Prabhu will talk to my parents to make this "formal" thing as the tradition says here in Mexico, and then we will married next year. The autorities in México City, president and devotees ask me to talk with you about my wish to take first iniciation, are interested that I can make part of this ISKCON family and get iniciation of you. They give me a nice recomendation letter to take iniciation.

Finally thank you to be in my life, as I dont deserve it.

Your ever aspirant, Bhaktin Natyelli Garza.

Radhe Radheeeeee!!!

HpS - !!! Very nice. Have you read: ??? If you have been following the standard described there for six months, then with letter from Temple President (disciple course), you can become a:

Formal Refugee

Six months more of service that you are now doing then you can become a first initiated devotee! Then second, then third, then fourth...

... chant with attention. Chant with meaning. Srila Prabhupada's SB, CC, TlC is full of meaningful prayers!! Take some of those for your mood in chanting your rounds, your constant chanting!

Thank you so much for your sacrifices in Krsna Consciousness!