Hare Krishna 🙏
Estimado Gurudev Maharaj, por favor tenga la bondad de aceptar mis Reverencias. ¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!
Guru Maharaj,
Permitame comentarle que llegué a Nueva Vrajamandala (España) muy bien, el día martes 16 y el miércoles 17 me incorporé al servicio en el templo. Mi servicio consta en limpiar la sala del Templo ayudar en pujari (regar las plantas, planchar, limpiar los cajones de la joyería de las Deidades, hacer la diadema para Srimati Radharani y la guirnalda que lleva en la mano para ofrecerle a Krishna, limpiar la vyasasana de Prabhupada, hacer los arreglos para empezar el arati (parafernalia, entrar a Tulasi, despertar a Prabhupada) y asistir a la pujari cuando está vistiendo a las Deidades), y a continuación he retomado las clases del Srimad Bhagavatam y de cuidado al Devoto impartido por su Santidad Yadunandana Maharaj, los Sábados también hago servicio en la vaquería.
Estoy muy feliz por la asociación con Su reverencia y con los devotos en Santa Eulalia . Me acuerdo muchísimo de ustedes y en cada momento que realizo mis actividades devocionales mencionadas.
Por favor, perdone si no logro dirigirme correctamente a usted.
Oh! Misericordioso Gurudev Maharaj,
Su aspirante a discípula,
Rosa Elena Canchucaja.
Hare Krishna 🙏
Dear Gurudev Maharaj, please kindly accept my obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Guru Maharaj,
Let me tell you that I arrived in Nueva Vrajamandala (Spain) very well, on Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 I joined the service in the temple. My service consists of cleaning the room of the Temple, assisting in pujari (watering the plants, ironing, cleaning the drawers of the Deities' jewelry, making the diadem for Srimati Radharani and the garland that she carries in her hand to offer to Krishna, cleaning the Prabhupada's vyasasana, make arrangements to start arati (paraphernalia, enter Tulasi, awaken Prabhupada) and attend pujari when he is dressing the Deities), and then I have resumed the Srimad Bhagavatam and Devotee care classes By His Holiness Yadunandana Maharaj, on Saturdays I also do service in the dairy.
HpS/ASA -- 🐮 🐮
I am very happy about the partnership with reverence for him and the devotees in Santa Eulalia. I agree very much of you and every time I perform my devotional activities mentioned.
Please forgive me if I am unable to address you correctly.
Oh! Merciful Gurudev Maharaj,
Your would-be disciple,
Rosa Elena Canchucaja.
HpS - ASA --- We saw your letter in our Blog, but we are pushing to get everything done. Please read the Kapi Dhvaja every two weeks and then use the Priority Code in the Letters to/from the Editor to attract the attention of our mail clerks!!
It was very nice to get your association.
You seem to us to be an excellent person with lots of capacity to serve Krsna to be awakened and to grow.
The more we chant, 1st, 2nd ... initiation, the more we can see our specific place in the Sankirtan party and be of more and more use, life after life.
Respects to the cows, Maharaja, Venu dhara, Jiyada, Antonio.. !!!!
Send news of the farm.