Keep Trying

12 years, 11 months ago by Patrak das in Personal Sadhana Reports


HARE KRSNA Dear Gurudeva...pamho

after some time we are writing in this blog.. excuse us for the delay

these months have been challenging in many, sadhana, association with devotees, understanding who we are...

by the mercy of Krsna this body is accepting very well new kidneys  but we are still afraid...this time we dont want to mess it we are taking it very carefully... sometimes we feel very very tired and sometimes we feel like superman..hahahaha.... we think it is the side effects of too many pills???

our sadhana is not so good nowadays... we dont get up early everyday but we keep trying... we are using all ur advices....we chant 16 rounds but we feel they are not good rounds at all... our association with devotees is very low... for so long we couldnot control our tongue and our words that we feel we hurt many devotees so we feel ashamed to look at their faces... we admit we never appreciate how much devotees care bout us....we are keeping our japa in our hands as much as we can so everytime we think of making an offense we chant and ask Krsna to not to think of that....we start to see some devotees to get some of their enthusiasm

we are reading more Prabhupada's books and everytime we find the answer to our is amazing  how Prabhupada is always with us and we do not realize... our bhakti sastri fellows help us a lot to appreciate more Prabhupada's book...

we are trying to do our best to be a good servant x Prabhupada and U...

thanks a lot x being so patient

HpS - Jaya!      Many times we notice Srila Prabhupada comments that this was the standard of the Six Gosvamis, but then he says that neither he nor us are Rupa Goswami. So, four principles strictly and 16-enthusiastic rounds are what Krsna wants.

How can nice introspective recitation of the Holy Names be bad for our bodies?

That's the focus, no?     Enthusiastic Japa.  Of course, if we are in the body of a dog we won't do it on beads, but we can still do something.

So, fight with intelligence to get enthusiatic rounds done as your Number One Priority and then Four Principles and then .......

.....  Thank you so much for your news.   It helps a LOT.