3 years, 3 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama,

Jaya Gauranga-Nityananda-rama.

Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai!

Esteemed Prahlada nrsmha Das,


How is your health? 😐

Did you die and go to heaven?


  1. Our address book got corrupted and we lost many addresses. Can you please send your Whatsapp phone number here? We will not publish it.
  2. Can you erase all the disciple's Annual Reports from last year, so that we can start fresh for this year?
  3. Myself and Pancha-tattva Das both experience, on certain devices, that hangs up on anything but the Home Page. Yet, if you disconnect from the wifi and then reconnect, the target page immediately loads. I have tried different browsers, erasing all cookies etc, but still it happens.
  4. Can we give any help to get TLC up in Spanish? is super, super service to ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada, humanity. In the next life the organizers will be librarians for Nimai in Nabadvipa?