(FMP-PC = Bhumi) – Preguntas Guru Tattva

3 years, 1 month ago by Cruz Santa in Special Category A

Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias

Todas las Glorias sean al muy misericordioso Srila Prabhupada

Y Todas las Glorias a usted que nos conecta con las instrucciones de Su Divino maestro.


Deseando que su salud y energía se encuentren muy bien. Le agradezco mucho por brindarnos los medios para poder estar cerca de sus instrucciones y tener la asociación de tantos Vaisnavas agradables.


Gurudeva, estuve leyendo el Kapi Dhvaja y en la sección Guru-Tattva usted pregunto “Anyone else want 1st, 2nd or 3rd (Sannyasa) initiation?”… 

Yo me había estado preguntado ¿Cuál es mi posición en este Guru-Tattva? -Parece que tengo una idea- pero justo después de leer el KP, pensé que debería preguntarle y después una agradable mataji me sugirió preguntarle a usted y dejar de suponer... Aquí va:


Hace algunos años, usted me dijo que no era necesario (para mí) tomar segunda iniciación, porque es suficiente con seguir estrictamente los votos de la primera iniciación.


Así que, yo no he sentido la necesidad de tomar 2nd iniciación, y me he esforzado siempre por seguir mis votos de 1st iniciación cada vez de forma más estricta, además de Mangala Aratika, Lectura diaria, clases regulares, etc…   Quizá algún vaisnava crea que yo pretendo escapar de adquirir mayores responsabilidades, pero yo únicamente pienso que, por alguna razón, usted me ha dicho que para mí es suficiente la primera iniciación. 


Además usted ha dicho que un Brahmana debe ser un ejemplo para la sociedad, y que su carácter debe ser tal, que con solo verlo, el resto de la sociedad sepa cuál es el comportamiento ideal. 


Así que, desde que (a causa de mis tratos ásperos) yo me separe de mi noble esposo, pienso que no podría ser un ejemplo para nadie. Además he observado que soy una persona bastante orgullosa y arrogante, y el solo título podría confundirme fácilmente. Por lo que aún cuando algunos Vaisnavas me han sugerido solicitar la segunda iniciación, yo pienso que tal como usted dijo “Para mí es suficiente la primera iniciación”.


Sin embargo; en ocasiones, usted menciona que la primera iniciación es solo una prueba y la segunda iniciación es cuando el Guru realmente acepta al discípulo. Y quería preguntarle ¿Eso quiere decir que no soy su discípula aún? Guru Maharaja, ¿Qué debería hacer para ser realmente su discípula o situarme apropiadamente en este Guru Tattva?



Guru Maharaja, por favor disculpe estas preguntas básicas. Muchas gracias por brindarnos sus misericordiosas instrucciones.


Su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krsna, dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my bows

All Glories be to the most merciful Srila Prabhupada

HpS/ASA - !!!! !!!

And All Glories to you that connects us with the instructions of Your Divine teacher.

 Wishing your health and energy are very good. I thank him very much for giving us the means to be able to be close to his instructions and to have the association of so many nice Vaisnavas.

Gurudeva, I was reading the Kapi Dhvaja and in the Guru-Tattva section you asked “Anyone else want 1st, 2nd or 3rd (Sannyasa) initiation?”…

I had been wondering what is my position in this Guru-Tattva? -I seem to have an idea- but just after reading the KP, I thought I should ask you and then a nice mataji suggested I ask you and stop guessing ... Here it goes:

 Some years ago, you told me that it was not necessary (for me) to take a second initiation, because it is enough to strictly follow the vows of the first initiation.

 So, I have not felt the need to take 2nd initiation, and I have always endeavored to follow my 1st initiation vows more and more strictly, in addition to Mangala Aratika, Daily Reading, regular classes, etc ... Maybe some Vaisnava believes I intend to escape acquiring greater responsibilities, but I only think that, for some reason, you have told me that the first initiation is enough for me.

Furthermore, you have said that a Brahmana should be an example for society, and that his character should be such that just by looking at him, the rest of society knows what the ideal behavior is.

 So, since (because of my rough dealings) I separated from my noble husband, I think that I could not be an example for anyone. In addition, I have observed that I am quite a proud and arrogant person, and the title alone could easily confuse me. So even though some Vaisnavas have suggested to me to request the second initiation, I think that just as you said "For me the first initiation is enough."

 Nevertheless; sometimes you mention that the first initiation is just a test and the second initiation is when the Guru actually accepts the disciple. And I wanted to ask him, does that mean I'm not his disciple yet? Guru Maharaja, what should I do to really be your disciple or place myself properly in this Guru Tattva?

Guru Maharaja, please excuse these basic questions. Thank you very much for giving us your merciful instructions.

Your would-be disciple

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - AgtSP!!! We remember the conversation in Rome, I think, where Srila Prabhupada made these statements about 1st and 2nd initiation. We have seem them in NoI 5 also. At first initiation you are the diksa guru's disciple, like a student who has joined the university, but it is after the end of the first semester when one passes examinations that one's history begins to be recorded, no?

So, following first initiation well for several years, your service is being recorded toward your final return to Goloka, and the attention that such a sincere student deserves is being noted.

I don't think it is necessary for you nor many people, but on the other hand it is good to aspire for being a formally recognized leader by neophytes, taking more responsibility as Brahmana or Ksatriya etc.

Of course, for a lady, adjusting the Varna Ashrama circumstances are important. Go on chanting and expect that things will adjust gradually but securely and even rapidly.

Thank you.