FMP PC- News from Switzerland

3 years, 3 months ago by Bhaktin Carolsita in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva:

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha Krishna

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my humble obeisances

Many changes have happened since my last letter, I am sorry I did not write sooner. This will be a small report with the news.

HpS/ASA - 🙂 🙏

I got married on November 5 and have been living in Switzerland for a month and a half. That day was Govardhan Puja, so after the wedding we went to the temple to celebrate.

Now that we got married i applied for residency. We are done with the procedures, now we just have to wait for permission to be granted.

HpS/ASA - All of us four Brahmacaris here salute you!!!! May you help your husband progress to complete Sannyasa and follow him in body, speech, and mind. Read the marriage of Kardama and Devahuti together, Canto Three?

Switzerland is different from Argentina in many ways, so I am still adjusting. I live in a small village called Wängi, in the countryside, there are many animals, mainly cows, there is a small forest where I go to chant rounds with my husband Philip.

He is a nurse, he works in a home for people with disabilities, taking care of them. The shifts are rotating, so it is somewhat difficult to have a routine when the schedules change every day. If his work allows us, on Sunday we go to the temple and cook for the festival, sometimes we go to other programs in the houses of devotees.

HpS - You are a very, very lucky girl!

It is not possible for me to connect regularly to gotomeeting due to the time difference, I think when I get used to these new schedules I will be able to connect more frequently.

Meanwhile I miss your association very much. Here the devotees are very friendly, I felt well received. The head pujari invited me to serve as a pujari, I would like to start next year, so I have a little more time to adapt to all the changes.

I am trying to be a good wife, I would like Philip to always feel inspired and happy in Krishna consciousness, if you could give me some advice on how to keep other devotees inspired or any other advice associated with my new situation I would really appreciate it.

HpS/ASA - We have no magic formulas. Just can remind you of what you already know. Please do the same for us. If you follow four principles strictly, chant 16-nice rounds daily, keep a full morning and evening program and see that anyone under your authority and you you inspire others to do it, you will have NO POROBLEMS. You will have effective preaching and preaching opportunities!!!! Details and options in the KRSNA book.

Thank you. Congratualtions.

Our best wishes to Nurse Phillip.

Your aspirant servant

Kirtida Devi Dasi