Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Todas las glorias a usted mi muy querido Gurumaharaja
Por favor acepté mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias
Querido Gurumaharaja disculpe por favor mis faltas , tengo mucho que contarle , resumiré un poco y escribiré más frecuentemente
Seguimos 4 principios
16 no tan buenas rondas pero seguimos esforzándonos , siguimos su instrucción de 3 días por lo menos de servicio en el templo actualmente 5 días a la semana entre cocina , compra de bhoga y flores apoyamos lo mas que podemos en los festivales y el templo en general , pienso que mi vida material es un total fracaso sin embargo la asociación de sri krsna y sus devotos hacen que está vida valga la pena , por ahora tenemos mucha asociación con los devotos y eh tenido la oportunidad de acercarme a más devotos y los eh tratado de servir lo mejor posible , en tiempos de cuarentena me fui a refugiar al templo por 4 meses y apoyamos en lo que nos pedían por ahora solo me dedico a trabajar, al servicio devocional y poco estudio de la sastra
Gurudeva disculpe mi atrevimiento no se si recuerde que en su última visita a México en ese entonces prabhu jamuna presidente del templo me recomendó para tomar segunda iniciación ahora las autoridades del templo me pidieron que le escribiera para pedirle su misericordia y poder tomar segunda iniciación , eh preguntado a 5 buenos brahmanas a discípulos de Srila Prabhupada y algunos devotos mayores y me animaron a escribirle a usted yo sé que me falta mucho camino por recorrer pero ahora estoy seguro que quiero morir en manos de sri krsna y no de mayadevi
Siempre trato de recordarlo por lo menos tres veces al día , por su misericordia es que estoy tratando de poner un pequeño granito de arena a la mision de Srila Prabhupada y tratando de complacerlo a usted , por la mañana oró al señor nrisimha deva para que siga resguardando a iskcon y por las tardes le pido que por favor lo cuide a usted mi quiero Gurudeva
Disculpe que casi no me conecte a sus programas de predica con el trabajo y servicio terminó algo cansado , asisto por lo menos dos días a la semana al programa matutino y vespertino por lo pronto es todo Gurudeva disculpe mis ofensas y por favor acepte mis mas sinceras y respetuosas reverencias
Vande gurú sri caranaravinda
Vande gurú sri caranaravinda
Si aspirante a sirviente Arya-srestha das
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to you my very dear Gurumaharaja
Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances
Dear Gurumaharaja please excuse my faults, I have a lot to tell you, I will summarize a little and write more frequently
We follow 4 principles
16 not so good rounds but we keep trying, we follow his instruction of at least 3 days of temple service currently 5 days a week between cooking, buying bhoga and flowers we support as much as we can at festivals and the temple in general.
I think that my material life is a total failure,
HpS - If we are chanting 16-rounds and following four principles as initiated devotees we do not have Material Lives, no? You "material life" is one aspect of your service. Maybe it is not so good. O.K. That means better 16/4. Better Karma/Bhakti yoga. Use your personal psycho/physical resources to do better Karma/Bhakti yoga for Krsna. Follow the example of Arjuna.
....however the association of Sri Krishna and his devotees make this life worthwhile, for now we have a lot of association with the devotees and I have had the opportunity to get closer to more devotees and I have tried them to serve the best possible, in times of quarantine I went to take refuge in the temple for 4 months and we supported what they asked of us for now I only dedicate myself to work, devotional service and little study of the sastra.
Gurudeva excuse my daring, I don't know if I remember that on his last visit to Mexico at that time, Prabhu Jamuna, President of the temple, recommended me to take a second initiation, now the temple authorities asked me to write to him to ask for his mercy and to be able to take a second initiation, eh I asked 5 good brahmanas disciples of Srila Prabhupada and some older devotees and they encouraged me to write to you I know that I have a long way to go but now I am sure that I want to die at the hands of Sri Krsna and not Mayadevi.
HpS - Considering all the aspects that I know, I think you are probably ready.
Have you taken the Disciple Course? Have to pass that.
Are you regular in your morning program, up by Brahma muhurta, Mangala arati, Kirtan, reading group for SB, S A N K I R T A N according to your nature and ability?
I always try to remember him at least three times a day, by his mercy I am trying to put a little grain of sand to Srila Prabhupada's mission and trying to please you, in the morning he prayed to Lord Nrisimha deva to continue protecting iskcon and in the afternoon I ask you to please take care of you my love Gurudeva
Excuse me that I almost did not connect to your preaching programs with work and service finished somewhat tired, I attend the morning and evening program at least two days a week for now it's all Gurudeva excuse my offenses and please accept my sincerest and respectful obeisances
Vande Guru Sri Caranaravinda
Vande Guru Sri Caranaravinda
If aspiring servant Arya-srestha das
HpS - Jaya! How is your father? He had construction company, no? Has more work during the pandemic?