DTC mo(15)

3 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.



The last few daze have been chaos and victory.

At 4am yesterday the electricity!! was turned off and didn't really come back to sight until 12.53AM when we were back in our seat.

The interent connections also failed for three networks and we had to give Gayatri mantras to wonderful devotees in Guadalajara, Mexico and New Haven, Connecticut, USA, as well as record detailed interview with Prof. Miguel Polo et al, during Gaura-kishora Das Babaji disappearance anniversary festival/Ekadasi.


... . mp!!!

Suvived 90% and making progress on our movie, "THE DIARY OF A TRAVELING CREATURE: The Ultimate Trip".

Now it (the position of the Sun) is 2.36AM with 9/16 rounds done.

Good night.

We will Tweet etc.




task lists,

are all the products of Kirtaniya sada harih, constant chanting of the Holy Names, Kali yuga avatara.
