DTC 12(Fr)

3 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC




Brother Ass has some intestinal bacteria or something. Desire to vomit, but fasting since breakfast and things seem to be subsiding. Not able to focus much on letters etc. Of course, soon we will all be gone from these bodies, this world, so we can only help each other wake up and get out of the terrible movie theater.

Make it a educational movie.


Internet was down for a full day then back up, then crashed again from 4PM to 8PM. Then it was working again and we got Brother Ass to join the Radha Natabara yatra in Tennessee at 9PM to give a class.

Hare Krsna

Hare Rama

Sri Sri Radha Natabara Ki Jai!

Every day we see how we can make improvement in our Japa vrata. Then automatically we become more effective instruments for Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan.

Hare Krsna.

Good night.
