Greetings from New Jagannath Puri part2 :)

2 years, 10 months ago by ātmādās in Special Category A

Hare Krsna, Maharaj!

You had mentioned that I could send you my phone number, and we could talk further :)

Here it is: (510)684-7892

(Texting works better than calls)

And Lokanath Prabhu is doing well, though he went to the hospital for swollen legs yesterday. He put on a puppet show for SF Rathayatra this year


Sorry that I've taken so long to get back to you

And thank you for your reply


Your lowly, insignificant servant

Ātmā Dās

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

you can find the priority code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krihna...Hare Rama...