Personal Sadhana

3 years, 3 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports



All Glories to Sri Krsna, Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Brinda.


Hare Krsna, HpS Guruji Maharaja, Dandavat Pranam!


Please accept my humble obeisances unto the padmacharan of Guruji Maharaja that in relation to my previous letter, as Guruji enquire I am trying to answer in my level.

I have re-read Gita 4.40 “One should therefore follow in the footsteps of great acaryas who are in the disciplic succession and thereby attain success”. Manipuri Gourida Vaisnavas are the followers of “Naratoma Das”. He incarnates as Rajarsi Bhagyachandra, former Maharaja of Manipur.


Guruji asked me some questions they are : So, are you “Nistha”? – Yes. Are you fixed in devotional service? – Yes, Every day up for kirtana and Mangala arati during Brahma muhurata? – Yes, I rise up at 2.30 a.m., after finishing all morning duties I worship my deities at 4.00 a.m. Daily, if I am not out of station or ill. Always chanting 16 nice rounds etc.? – Yes, 16 rounds is minimum, more than 16 rounds or more than 32 rounds. Guruji Maharaja! I don’t know the meaning of “nice” in chanting is it attentively? Again really speaking I don’t understand whether I am in the stage of Raganuga Bhakti or Bhakti Bhava but my practice is simple with my own Prarthana.



I think, now my level is Kanishka in the spiritual life, but in my opinion, just like a student of standard-X, may know how to go to Delhi from Imphal; by air, by train, or by road but not seaway because there is no seaway between Imphal and Delhi. Likewise, a graduate may know how to go to New York from India, by air from any international airport, or by seaway from any international seaport but not possible by road. When that particular person has the capacity to go to Delhi or New York he has to arrange the requirements such as tickets and necessary amounts etc. Not only that the Passport, Visa and foreign currencies if he wants to go to foreign.


The Manipuri Gourida Veisnavas followed the simplest system path (padhati/way) to reach Goloka Vrndavan is, first of all, we have to initiate under a bonafide Guru, then we will get Das Nama from the Guru – under His guidance we should approach Nityananda Prabhu with Gaitri and Mantra. After serving and satisfying Him, with His permission we will approach Gouranga Mahaprabhu with Gaitri and Mantra; after serving Him, then Gouranga Mahaprabhu (Guru Rupa Shakhi) will give my name of Sakhi-Manjari. Then, Guru Rupa Sakhi will guide us (Guru’s Sakhi-Manjari and self) to Vrndavan and hand over to a particular…….. Sakhi who are serving in a particular gate (8 x 8). That particular Sakhi will hand over to a….. (particular) Manjari (8 x 8) of the same direction then we will get our particular duty because broadly eight directions have eight different duties. After joining the daily routine duties, then Sri Rupa Manjari will introduce me (along with my name of Sakhi Manjari) that she is the dasera anudasa of ……….(particular) Manjari to Srimati Radharani. After hearing the name of the new Sakhi-Manjari who is following Guruji’s Sakhi-Manjari and her systematic approach but unknown to the service, as a newcomer, Srimati Radharani satisfied her young, simple, and politeness. She accepted her to join the team, then She (Radharani) comes together with her, near the Lord Sri Krsna, and introduce her name, group, and Seva (service/duty) in detail. Then Sri Krsna accepted her as Srimati Radharani already accepted her as anudasi and allows her to join the service under the group of that particular Manjari. In this lifetime, we are practicing Gamana Gaman (to and fro) but after death, we will not return again. It is not the last but further, dipper opinions, and explanations among Manipuri Veisnavas in this regard.


 I am daily practicing the above systems in the Mangalarati at 4.00 a.m. With my own heartiest prarthana. This is the initial arrangement of the requirements to approach Goloka Vrndavana by following Guruji’s Sakhi-Manjari during their lifetime (Gamana- Gaman and after death Gamana only). Under which gate and Sakhi-Manjari we will enter the Goloka-Vrndavana, Rasa-Mandal, and what types of seva (service/duty) to be served through the instructions of our senior Sakhi and Manjaris of our group.


·        It is not found in any prescribed books of Gita, Bhagavat, C.C, NOI, NOD, and Bhaktirasamrta Sindhu, etc. but it is only found in the Guru Astakama and the sayings made by the disciple and followed systems of six different Goswamis followed from Gouranga Mahaprabhu – Gadadhar Pandit – Lokanatha Swami – Narotama Goswami – Rupa Pramananda Goswami – Ramgopal Beiragya – Nidhiram Chakarbarti Thakur – Rajarshi Bheigyachandra (King of Manipur), who died at Murshidabad of W.B where Narotama Goswami turned into milk in the Padama river. The firewood arranged for the cremation of Narotama; criminated Bheigyachandra (Bheigyachandra is the incarnation of Narotama Das Goswami - common belief in Manipur). Manipuri Gourida Beisnavas are the followers of Narotama Goswami.


Even now I couldn't get Ananda Rupa Haridasa Swami Maharaja’s reply, getting, immediately I will forward.


Excuse me thousands of times if there is any ill-hearted caused from my side; that is why I simply sick Guruji’s asirbad/ anumati of taking my name of Sakhi-Manjari.


Your fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Thank you for your letter. Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai. Basic principle is to take shelter of Lord Chaitanya and Harinama. That is sufficient, no? The the rest will follow from that. BG 10.10 and 11. Are you worshiping Radha Krsna deity?

Have you asked them about following the Sakhis? Every day we chant prayers to Tulasi devi, "ei nivedena dara, sakhira anugata koro". Do you get inspiration from Her about following Sakhis?

We can follow Sakhis by becoming like Krsna's flute, Krsna's cows, Sakhas. They are all part of the same lila. Uddhava just wanted to be a blade of grass in Vraja. What do your deities say?