Hispanoamerican Symposium 01 (KDh PC)

3 years, 3 months ago by Germán Vegas in Special Category A

Hare Krishna dear Gurumaharaja


I met with Param Padam, Harinam Gauranga and Mitravinda dd yesterday to comment on the idea of the symposium and ask about their level of participation in the event:

  • Param Padam 100% (organization and participation as speaker)
  • Harinam Gauranga and Mitravinda dd 50% (participation as speakers only but they can help in specific duties - both have commitments until the fortnight of December).
  • Indira Sakti dd can take charge of social networks and graphic communication.

Three very important questions arose for the organization and curatorship of the symposium:

  • What dates do you have in mind?

ASA - AgtSP paoho. We seem to be available from December 27th through January 3rd.

  • How many days long / and how many hours per day?

ASA - That depends on who wants to participate. We can present for one (maybe two) hour(s)/per day in the morning, evening or during the day.

  • What do you specifically expect from this event? (this determines the profile and objectives)

ASA - We want to consolidate the efforts in education by the Anjana Suta Academy, a pioneering branch of ISKCON, Founder Acharya, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Prabhupada,

  1. NIOS,
  2. Latin American Yatras,
  3. Spain,
  4. Houston, Nashville, Boise, Richmond, North American Yatras,
  5. Ministry of Education,
  6. et al.

Which of course includes, Yadunandana Swami, Sesa Das, Karuna-krsna Das... et al!!!

We want this to be the first of a series of ASA symposia in :

  1. Peru
  2. Houston (Boise, Richmond)
  3. Madrid
  4. Kolkata (Manipur, Vrndavana)

It is a spiral: 1, 2, 3, 4; same topics, different emphasis.

  1. Who is an educated man? What are the Steps on the Educational Ladder?
  2. Books are the Basis, The Bhaktivedanta Library, Srila Prabhupada's Four Diplomas.
  3. Daivi Varna Ashrama Dharma (DVAD Education).

If you consider it necessary I can organize a Zoom meeting.

If it goes well we will need Zoom meetings, Room meetings and especially Doom meetings as Sukadeva Goswami and M. Pariksit, or Krsna and Arjuna, no?

We want the work to be edited into this movie: DTC-UT... and Solaris.... and Kapi Dhvaja...

Waiting for your kind answer

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS - Monkey wrote this and Piggy says that it is kind of an answer. We wait for your gargled, ecstatic answer. White - Pawn to E-4.