All glories to Kartik maas

3 years, 3 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to H. H. Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj.

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances at Your lotus feet.

HpS - We have lettuce feet. AGTSP!!!!

We are conducting house programme in this auspicious month of Kartik. Thank you Guru Maharaj for your mercy. We feel so happy doing this service for your pleasure. We usually start at 4pm ,kirtan, Krishna katha, deepadaan and prasadam distribution.

ASA - Super, super, super. Leaving something in writing when you go???

Surprisingly, a lot of them are hearing the significance of Kartik for the first time. This month is called 'Mera Tha" in Manipuri. Not long ago, the elderly would assemble for " Katha and Kirtan', popularly called , "Mera Tha gi Lairik Taaba" ( Shravanam during the month of Kartik).

They fast , they offer lamps ( lantern fitted on a bamboo pole using a rope and a pulley). As the lantern is pulled up, prayers are offered Namo Damodaraya namah....Namo Tulasi devyai namah. Now the lanterns have mostly been replaced by electric bulbs!!!!

HpS - 😁

Last time Guru Maharaj asked us about the preaching activities by devotees interested in Manipuri Vaishnavism. Sadly, Srila Prabhupada is somehow sidelined. Culture of Vaishnavism is evident , no doubt , but somehow there is a lack of fine tuning. Waiting patiently for Krishna's magic to happen.....

HpS - What do we have to offer that special?

Guru Maharaj, we got a request from some devotees of Bali asking for Guru Maharaj's help in ISKCON's Internal Dynamics in responding to Polemics. Srigarbha Prabhu would like to contact Guru Maharaj. Kindly advice us so that we can share this blog if Guru Maharaj permits us to do so.

HpS - We don't understand what are "polemics". Of course, anyone can write this Blog, but give them the Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code or it may take long time for Monkey and Piggy to answer!

Daily evening BG sessions at 7pm with the young matajis....this time we have a young Prabhuji working in the Indian Army, a Brahmana by birth and interested in BG.

HpS - When I was there one Colonel from Indian came to the evening class in the Temple with his wife. Asked a lot of very nice questions about his reading afterwards!

Thank you Guru Maharaj. They would like to hear Guru Maharaj 's class in the month of Kartik. When can we join the class Guru Maharaj. Most of them are students and they are so eager to serve Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - We have our class schedule in the Kapi Dhvaja. www.JayaRama.US, News. Of course, we can give some special classes if it is needed. We hope to get to Manipuri Fall 2022, and visit Radha Kunda with Divya svarupa Das.

We are in the last chapter of SB , 4th canto. Almost about to complete first part of BV . Classes with MI every Monday and Thursday. We finished our unit 8 test.

HpS - So nice!!! Next Bh. Vedanta, then Bh. Sarva Bhauma. Us what you learn in your preaching. Tell the appropriate stories from the SB to explain current situations in people's lives.

Sending some pics Guru Maharaj.

Your ignorant servant always,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS/ASA == 🐒

