(FMP CP- Conch) Segunda iniciación, parte 2

3 years, 4 months ago by mandali-bhadra-das. in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to SS Hanumatpresaka Swami

Please accept my humble bows to your lotus feet Guru Maharaja,

Gurudeva, thank you for reading my previous letter https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/12735/, the president of the Nueva Nilacala Mandir temple, Govinda Charana Das in Guadalajara, sends his greetings, as well as that he hopes he is in good health. 

On October 31, the snana yatra took place, in which we participated in collaboration with the brahmanas, making the juices, teas, the bath and on November 13 it will be ratha yatra, for which we will have the visit of three Gurus; S.s Guru Prasad Swami, S.s Bhakti Sundar Goswami and S.s Bir Krishna Das Goswami.

Usually the Sunday after ratha yatra the fire ceremonies are performed for the initiations. Talk to the brahmana who will perform them. If you agree, it could be Sunday, November 14, in the presence of one of the gurus. We could have a session by Zoomo, a video call, one day before or early the same day for the delivery of the Gayatri, as you decide Gurudeva.

HpS - It should be right after the fire sacrifice. A local Brahmana can sit with you while we do it. Very nice!

My Sadhana: Chant 16 rounds, follow the 4 principles, get up to Mangala arati, attend deities at home, (Radha syamasundar, Govinda, Nrsimhadeva, Jhagannat, Balarama and Subhadra and Lord Gouranga) Sing a little morning and afternoon, read a little and some sankirtana at work.

Seva: Putting away the deities' clothes once a week, and at festivals, ironing Srila Prabhupada clothes and bathing him once a week, helping to prepare the Abhishek, cooking for the Deity occasionally.

Disciple courses:

Vaisnava etiquette

Disciple Guru

Second initiation course

Bhakti Sastri (we finished the Upadesamrta and the Baghavagita we continue studying)

Personal information:

Date of first initiation: August 7, 2015

Civil name: Miguel Ignacio Valenzuela Castañeda

Date of Birth: July 31, 1980

Marital status. married with a son

Your humble little would-be servant

Mandali Bhadra Das

HpS - Thank you. We need a letter of recommendation for the Temple President. You can upload it here as a Jpeg file.

Then write to us with the exact information for the time of the call after the Yajna.