PCM-CP, KD-CP Mes Damodara!

3 years, 1 month ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna Adored Gurudev!

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. all glories to our dear and remembered Salvador Srila Prabhupada !!!

HpS - Hey. We don't have lotus feet. We have been telling people that for years. This letter is for someone else?? Hmmm???

I wish that the present find you very happy in Santa Eulalia Peru. I wish you to spend a beautiful month of Damodara in beautiful association and unforgettable moments in Your wonderful and static Govinda Consciousness.

I always read Your funny and conscientious Blog! . I am subscribed so it is sent to me by mail which I am very grateful to Patrak because since I do not connect to the Internet, I can receive it by mail and read it calmly at home, after downloading it.

I know Piggy turned into "Conan the Barbarian" and erased all the last letters. I am concerned about His tiredness Gurudev and His sight. So I was wondering whether to send him the three letters again ... or just send him a new one, telling him a summary.

HpS - Yes, new one and summary. Super!!

In September, thanks to the director of Culture of the town where we live, a beautiful and sweet festival was held in honor of Srimati Radharani.

Devotees came to support him. It came out very nice. And the director said "it has to be repeated!" . By the mercy of Srimati Radharani, the director is favorable so it is possible that With Her blessings Gurudev, another Festival will be held next year.

Please pray for us to advance further and further and complete our purification in this life. It is all that was left in reality.

So merciful Krsna is showing me the material world as it is and I am not willing to deny it any more.

By denying reality I have undergone harsh tests. He better accepted the harsh reality and tried to get closer to Govinda.

I know that He is so merciful that He will wash away my faults and stupidities and I will be able to purify myself with pronouncing His Beautiful and Ecstatic Holy Name with more and more love.

Thank you for worrying about me. I always think that I am happy now in Peru. I dreamed of you and mother Jambabti a few nights ago. You were sending me messages with her ... Very beautiful moment.

My obeisances to the precious dust of His adored lotus feet. Please accept curtsies from Franco gopalito and mine

Trying to count me among His disciples, praying to always serve at His feet, their attempt to disciple: Japa Prati Jalpa Radha Devi Dasi

P.S. I was very happy to see the devotees after such a long time and that they distributed a lot of books and a lot of prasadam !!! All Glories to the sankirtan of Sri Nityananda and GAURANGA !!!

HpS - Super. Arjuna, Draupadi, Kunti, are all our examples of life in the material world. As long as we think it is bad and want to avoid it we still have not got the full message. It is not bad or good. It is ZERO.... ! Turn away from your Best Friend and there is nothing. So... the only way to create something is duality. We get things we don't want and then the opposite seems nice. Being unhappy in material life should only be how it separates from Krsna, not that we want an end to our suffering materially, O.K. 😀 Japa, Japa, Japa!!! Become a pure, pure, pure devotee and stay in this material world forever if that is what Krsna wants, because He will always be with us then!!!

Hare krsna Adorado Gurudev!

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto.

todas las glorias a nuestro querido y recordado Salvador Srila Prabhupada!!!

Deseo que la presente lo encuentre muy feliz en Santa Eulalia Perú Deseo que pase un hermoso mes de Damodara en hermosa asociación y momentos inolvidables en Su maravillosa y estática Conciencia de Govinda.

Leo siempre Su divertido y conciente Blog! . Estoy suscrita así que se me envía por correo lo cual agradezco mucho a Patrak porque ya que no me conecto a Internet, puedo recibirlo por correo y leerlo tranquilamente en casa, después de descargarlo.

Se que Piggy de convirtió en "Conan el Bárbaro" y borro todas las ultimas cartas.

Me preocupa Su cansancio Gurudev y Su vista. Por eso estaba pensando si enviarle otra vez la tres cartas.. o sólo enviarle una nueva, contandole una resumen.

En setiembre gracias a la directora de la Cultura del pueblo donde vivimos se hizo un hermoso y dulce festival en honor a srimati Radharani. Vinieron los devotos a apoyarlo. Salió muy lindo. Y la directora dijo que "tiene que repetirse!" . Por la misericordia de Srimati Radharani , la directora es favorable así que es posible que Con Sus bendiciones Gurudev , se haga otro Festival el próximo año.

Por favor Ore por nosotros para avanzar más y más y completar nuestra purificación en esta vida. Es todo lo que quedó en realidad.

Krsna tan misericordioso me va mostrando el mundo material tal como es y no estoy dispuesta a negarlo mas.. Por negar la realidad he pasado duras pruebas. Mejor aceptó la dura realidad y trato de apegarme más a Govinda. Se que EL es tan misericordioso que lavara mis faltas y estupideces y podré purificada con pronunciar con mas y más amor Su Hermoso y Extatico Santo Nombre.

Gracias por preocuparse por mi. Siempre pienso en que este feliz ahora en Perú. Soñe con Usted y madre Jambabti hace unas noches. Usted me enviaba mensajes con Ella... Muy hermoso momento.

Mis reverencias al precioso polvo de Sus adorados pies de loto. Por favor acepte reverencias de Franco gopalito y las mías

Intentando contarme entre Sus discipulas, rogando por servir siempre a Su pies , su intento de discipula:

Japa Prati Jalpa Radha Devi Dasi

P.D. fui muy feliz de ver a los devotos después de tanto tiempo y de que se distribuyera muuucho libros y muuucho prasadam!!! Todas las Glorias al sankirtan de Sri Nityananda and GAURANGA!!!