KD-PC Consult about Interview

3 years, 4 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna, Dear Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeissances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

You are like the river Ganges bringing mercy to everyone and may Krsna allow that mercy to always continue to flow.

ASA - AgtSP! 🐷

Please excuse me if I ask about the same topic again; we ask for your permission to interview Daru Krsna p. We are concerned about missing the opportunity to interview him, we don't have much association with him and we only have Gandharva d to interview him.We can do the interview and save it.

This is the role of questions, okay, what else can we add?

1) Can you please tell us how did SS Hanumat Presaka get to Peru?

2) What situation was the preaching of Krishna Consciousness in at the time of Maharaja's arrival?

3) It is said that countries have "personalities" ... Do you think that "the personality of the Peruvian people" has been favorable to receive the message of Lord Caitanya? And do you think this has changed over the years?

4) How did Maharaja's arrival contribute to the development of the Peruvian Yatra in Lord Caitanya's mission?

5) Why is academic educational development important in a mission like ours? What points do you think should be strengthened? "

6) How would you describe Maharaja in serving Srila Prabhupada?

7) Would you like to say a few words to Maharaja?

Please Maharaja excuse the insistence and forgive the offenses🙏

With much affection and respect


Isvari R dd

HpS - Daru Krsna Das from my perspective, which is quite limited, is one of the greatest persons I have known in our movement. He may have disagreements with the management but I hope these can be reconciled.

We talked on the phone a few days ago and he said that he will be visiting LIma in the near future and then he would visit Sta Eulaia the same time. We could talk and and record some things then, no?

That would be better than a separate interview, no?

This is wonderful work you are doing for the Sankirtan in Peru, the whole world!!!!